Neil Allen – Barts Health Poster for Sustainability Health Conference

Dr Frances Mortimer – SusQI

Dr Olivia Bush – Green ward

Dr Henry Dunne and Miss Chantelle Rizan – Cleaning up waste disposal in an ENT outpatient deptartment

Jessica Mills – Introducing sustainability into a nursing course: From development to delivery

Dr Heather Baid – Sustainable critical care network

Dr James Hockridge and Dr Daniel Leslie – Improving recyling and waste disposal in theatres

Miss Chantelle Rizan et al. – Plastics in healthcare: time for a re-evaluation

Miss Chantelle Rizan et al. – The carbon footprint of operating theatres systematic review

Dr Chibi Takaya et al. – Towards the decontamination and recyling of absorbent hygiene waste from the healthcare sector