Climate emergency: what can nursing students do to be greener?  Nursing Standard podcast with: BSc (Hons) Nursing (Child) student Leonie Harrison and Senior Lecturer Alison Taylor.

Student videos using simulated scenario to demonstrate sustainability in nursing practice:

  • Gloves video – patient questioning why a nursing student is not wearing gloves
  • Ecoanxiety video – planetary health concerns expressed by a patient during mental health nursing assessment


Sustainable healthcare organisations

National and strategic guidance


Quality improvement and education resources


Sustainability in healthcare research – PowerPoint slides

Sustainability in healthcare – PowerPoint slides

Sustainability – Acute Care Subject Group – PowerPoint slides

Sustainability in critical care – PowerPoint slides

Sustainability in critical care – BACCN keynote Sept 2023

Environmental sustainability in intensive care – ESICM webinar Sept 2023

Sustainable healthcare and neonatal intensive care

ASPiH Sustainability Special Interest Group – Guidance Development Workshop

Sustainable orthopaedics

GC research informed teaching SSHS

Sustainability in intensive care – Heather Baid Mar 2024

Sustainable resilient acute care nursing

Sustainability-in-intensive-care-Heather-Baid-Apr 2024

Sustainability in intensive care Heather Baid May 2024