Alfred Thomas Henry Selmes – Sussex Brigader

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Alfred Thomas Henry Selmes (1911-1969) – Sussex Brigader

Alfred Thomas Henry Selmes was born in Brighton on 24th August 1911 and worked respectively as a labourer and as a waiter. He joined the Communist Party and gave two addresses in London, one of which may be where he was living when he volunteered for service with the International Brigades. His date of arrival in Spain is given as 7th January 1937. He deserted at Jarama and was arrested and jailed. Back in the British Battalion, he was badly wounded at Brunete in October 1937 and was repatriated on 5th November 1937. In December 1938 he received fourteen days hard labour following a demonstration against unemployment. In 1939 he was living in Holmby Street, Camberwell, London and in WW2 served in the Royal Artillery. He moved back to Brighton at some point as he was living at 77 Craven Road when he died on 18th August 1969.

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