What are the correct updated email addresses to contact people on? There has been some confusion recently with some old emails still on the placement profile site.
The placement profiles are regularly updated. If an email address is no longer valid it should be reported to the Placement Team for the profile to be updated. Alternatively, contact details of placements can often be found online and students are encouraged to try to contact placements at least two weeks prior to starting placement.
Where can I access support on placement if I need to speak to someone about issues I may be having?
The University of Brighton offers students a great deal of support. Students can receive:
- Counselling
- Self-help resources
- Student Support and Guidance Tutors (SSGTs),
- Courses to help you manage wellbeing with either just yourself or with other students
- LGBTQ+ support
- Residential support
Each Academic school has dedicated SSGTs. BSc Nursing at Falmer and Eastbourne SSGT support can be found here:
Contact your SSGTs: ssgtshsfalmer@brighton.ac.uk
Eastbourne: ssgtshseastbourne@brighton.ac.uk
University of Brighton Student Support webpage has lots of information linking to support available throughout the school:
To access wellbeing support, a wellbeing registration form is accessible here: https://www.brighton.ac.uk/brighton-students/your-student-life/my-wellbeing/wellbeing-registration/index.aspx .The team will then contact you to suggest an initial assessment to think further about your needs.
I feel that I am being bullied, discriminated against, or treated unfairly/poorly by a member or members of staff whilst on placement. What can I do?
No student should be treated in this way and it is of top priority to the University and the Trust that students are looked after properly whilst on placements. If you feel that this is happening to you on placement, please report this immediately to the practice liaison lecturers, PLLEast@brighton.ac.uk; PLLCentral@brighton.ac.uk; PLLWest@brighton.ac.uk
If I am unable to attend placement due to unforeseen circumstances or sickness who do I contact?
Follow this link for more information on how to report your absence: https://studentcentral.brighton.ac.uk/webapps/blackboard/content/listContentEditable.jsp?content_id=_3412390_1&course_id=_114139_1&content_id=_3440916_1
I am concerned about a placement allocation. Who do I contact?
To see if you meet any of the grounds for requesting a change to your placement review the ‘Requesting a change to placement’ policy available in ‘Support in placement’.
To make a request contact Theresa Corkill T.K.Corkill@brighton.ac.uk using the email heading: ‘Placement Change Request’.
Any change to your placement will be emailed to your University email.
To see if you meet any of the grounds for requesting a change to your placement review the ‘Requesting a change to placement’ policy available in ‘Support in placement’.
To make a request contact Theresa Corkill T.K.Corkill@brighton.ac.uk using the email heading: ‘Placement Change Request’.
Any change to your placement will be emailed to your University email.
I cannot attend a placement due to health reasons/ shielding. What can I do?
The course team can set up alternative arrangements for students and will do their best to support students and ensure they qualify on time. It is best to discuss this with the Practice Learning Lead for Nursing Theresa Corkill T.K.Corkill@brighton.ac.uk or your course leader.