DMT art

Dmt or Dimethyltryptamine is a heavy form of psychedelic, that as a result of the trips a user can go on, has produced some of the most colorful, and interesting art to date.


A quick google search along the lines of “DMT trip art” garners results such as these. Vivid images of people and spirits. One of the most common experiences for those who have used DMT, is that they talk to intelligent beings during their 15 minute encounter. Terrence Mckenna talked of meeting gnomes, who said according to him were sad that they didn’t get to see him as often as they would like. Joe Rogan, another advocate of DMT has talked of seeing a huge Buddah statue, saying not to be astonished by all the amazing things he saw, to just go with it.




Two artists that have spent most of their careers exploring DMT through art are Pablo Amaringo and Martina Hoffman.  The next two images are the work of Amaringo, the rich colours and the intricate patterns are similar to patters seen on DMT and in a less vivid way on LSD.




Martina Hoffman paints the spirits associated dmt, for example the image below depicts Mother Ayahuasca. A spirit associated with care giving and femininity, and the environment. Hoffman uses very rich colour in her work.




9 thoughts on “DMT art

    1. Agreed!!!! I definitely saw this when I tripped on Salvia as a young man. Insane to see it is the same for many. All that’s missing is the accordion like effect I found everything to be in.

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