ABG interpretation



Check ABG is for correct patient



Assess oxygenation

  • pO2 <10.5 kPa = hypoxic


Was the patient on oxygen when the ABG was performed?

  • In general the pO2 should be approximately: FiO2(%) -10
    • For example:
      • On 40% O2: pO2 should be 30 kPa


Is there a significant alveolar-arterial gradient?

A-a gradient = PAO2 – PaO2

  • Alveolar (A)
  • Arterial (a)
  • Partial pressure of oxygen in the airways (PAO2)
  • Partial pressure of oxygen in the artery (PaO2)
  • PAO2 = FiO2 (Patm –PH20) – PaCO2/kQ
    • Patm-PH2O = 713 at sea level
    • kQ = 0.8 (constant)
  • Therefore:
    • PAO2 = (FiO2 x 713) – (PaCO2/0.8)
  • A-a gradient helps identify where the source of the hypoxia is coming from.  A high A-a gradient suggests a V/Q mismatch or right-to-left shunt.
  • Normal A-a gradient is dependent on age as for every decade of life the A-a gradient increases by 1 mmHg.
  • Age-adjusted normal A-a gradient = (age/4) + 4
    • Therefore a 40yo should have an A-a gradient less than 14.


Identify type of respiratory failure

  • Type 1 – normal/low pCO2
  • Type 2 – high pCO2



Determine the pH status

<7.35 – acidosis

>7.45 – alkalosis


Find the primary source of the pH disturbance

  • Acidosis:
  • pCO2 > 6.0 kPa – respiratory
  • HCO3 <22 mmol/l – metabolic


  • Alkalosis
    • pCO2 < 4.7 kPa – respiratory
    • HCO3 >26 mmol/l – metabolic


Is there a mixed picture?

  • Respiratory and metabolic acidosis


  • Respiratory and metabolic alkalosis



Is there compensation?

  • Compensation present if:
  • Respiratory acidosis: High HCO3 (commonly seen in COPD patients)
  • Respiratory alkalosis: Low HCO3(rare)
  • Metabolic acidosis: Low pCO2 (limited to pCO23 kPa)
  • Metabolic alkalosis: High pCO2 (only able to hypoventilate slightly)
    • Metabolic compensation take 3 days
    • Respiratory compensation occurs quickly
    • Over compensation CANNOT occur


Is there full or partial compensation?

Partial: pH remains abnormal

Full: pH has normalized


Is compensation adequate?

Not required at undergraduate level. For more information see http://lifeinthefastlane.com/investigations/acid-base/



Is there an anion gap?

Anion gap = Na+ – (Cl + HCO3)

Normal = 12 ± 4

  • Potassium is generally excluded as it is relatively stable
  • Should be corrected in patients with albumin <40 g/L (add 2.5 per 10 g/L decrease)
  • Sodium should be corrected in hyperglycaemia (cNa+ = Na+ + (glucose -5) ÷ 3)
  • Anion gap is calulcating the difference in measured cations and anions. Since cations and anions will be balanced, a high anion gap is eluding to unmeasured substances ie. Ethanol
  • Click here for causes of high anion gap metabolic acidosis (HAGMA) and non-anion gap metabolic acidosis (NAGMA) – see “ABG Mneumonics” on the data interpretation page.


Consider calculating other metabolic acid-base disorders eg

  • Delta Gap = (anion gap – 12) ÷ (24 – HCO3)
  • Osmolality = (2 x Na+) + urea + glucose + ethanol
  • Osmolar gap = measured osmolality – calculated osmolality



Check the other values especially:

  • Hb
  • Glucose
  • Lactate


Remember to treat the patient and not the numbers. ABGs are a guide to management, but should be used in the wider clinical context (and don’t forget the possibility that the ABG machine may have given an incorrect result!)

ABG Mnemonics

Differential diagnosis of acid base disorders

1. High Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis

C Carbon Monoxide, Cyanide
A Alcohol, Alcoholic Ketoacidosis
T Toluene
M Metformin, Methanol
U Uraemia
D Diabetic Ketoacidosis
P Paraldehyde, Phenformin, Paracetamol, Propylene glycol
I Iron, Isoniazid
L Lactic acidosis (any cause)
E Ethylene glycol
S Salicylates

2. Causes of Lactic Acidosis

Type A: Imbalanced oxygen supply and demand Type B: Metabolic derangement

Carbon monoxide


Severe anaemia

Severe hypoxia

Excessive oxygen demand:

Fever, seizure, exercise, shivering


B2 agonists




Hepatic failure


Metformin / Phenformin


Thiamine deficiency

Inborn errors of metabolism

3. Non-anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis

U Ureteroenterostomy
S Small bowel fistula
E Extra chloride, Normal saline hydration
D Diarrhoea
C Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (acetozolamide, topiramate etc)
A Adrenal insufficiency
R Renal tubular acidosis
P Pancreatic fistula

4. Causes of a low anion gap

Increased cations Calcium, magnesium, lithium, multiple myeloma
Decreased anions Dilution, hypoalbuminaemia
Artefactual Bromism, Iodism, Propylene glycol, Triglycerides

5. Metabolic Alkalosis

C Contraction (volume contraction)
L Licorice, diuretics
E Endocrine (Hyperaldosteronism, Bartter’s, Cushing’s, Conn’s)
V Vomiting, NG suction (chloride loss)
E Excess alkali (antacids, dialysis, milk-alkali syndrome)
R Refeeding alkalosis
R Renal bicarbonate retention (Hypochloraemia, Hypokalaemia, Chronic hypercapnia)

6. Respiratory acidosis

Acute Chronic

Airway obstruction



CNS depression

Muscle weakness

Pulmonary disease

Chronic lung disease

Neuromuscular disorders


7. Respiratory alkalosis

C CNS disease (Raised ICP)
H Hypoxia (Altitude, anaemia, VQ mismatch)
A Anxiety
M Mechanical hyperventilation
P Progesterone, pregnancy
S Sepsis, Salicylates and other toxins (nicotine, xanthines)