ABG interpretation



Check ABG is for correct patient



Assess oxygenation

  • pO2 <10.5 kPa = hypoxic


Was the patient on oxygen when the ABG was performed?

  • In general the pO2 should be approximately: FiO2(%) -10
    • For example:
      • On 40% O2: pO2 should be 30 kPa


Is there a significant alveolar-arterial gradient?

A-a gradient = PAO2 – PaO2

  • Alveolar (A)
  • Arterial (a)
  • Partial pressure of oxygen in the airways (PAO2)
  • Partial pressure of oxygen in the artery (PaO2)
  • PAO2 = FiO2 (Patm –PH20) – PaCO2/kQ
    • Patm-PH2O = 713 at sea level
    • kQ = 0.8 (constant)
  • Therefore:
    • PAO2 = (FiO2 x 713) – (PaCO2/0.8)
  • A-a gradient helps identify where the source of the hypoxia is coming from.  A high A-a gradient suggests a V/Q mismatch or right-to-left shunt.
  • Normal A-a gradient is dependent on age as for every decade of life the A-a gradient increases by 1 mmHg.
  • Age-adjusted normal A-a gradient = (age/4) + 4
    • Therefore a 40yo should have an A-a gradient less than 14.


Identify type of respiratory failure

  • Type 1 – normal/low pCO2
  • Type 2 – high pCO2



Determine the pH status

<7.35 – acidosis

>7.45 – alkalosis


Find the primary source of the pH disturbance

  • Acidosis:
  • pCO2 > 6.0 kPa – respiratory
  • HCO3 <22 mmol/l – metabolic


  • Alkalosis
    • pCO2 < 4.7 kPa – respiratory
    • HCO3 >26 mmol/l – metabolic


Is there a mixed picture?

  • Respiratory and metabolic acidosis


  • Respiratory and metabolic alkalosis



Is there compensation?

  • Compensation present if:
  • Respiratory acidosis: High HCO3 (commonly seen in COPD patients)
  • Respiratory alkalosis: Low HCO3(rare)
  • Metabolic acidosis: Low pCO2 (limited to pCO23 kPa)
  • Metabolic alkalosis: High pCO2 (only able to hypoventilate slightly)
    • Metabolic compensation take 3 days
    • Respiratory compensation occurs quickly
    • Over compensation CANNOT occur


Is there full or partial compensation?

Partial: pH remains abnormal

Full: pH has normalized


Is compensation adequate?

Not required at undergraduate level. For more information see http://lifeinthefastlane.com/investigations/acid-base/



Is there an anion gap?

Anion gap = Na+ – (Cl + HCO3)

Normal = 12 ± 4

  • Potassium is generally excluded as it is relatively stable
  • Should be corrected in patients with albumin <40 g/L (add 2.5 per 10 g/L decrease)
  • Sodium should be corrected in hyperglycaemia (cNa+ = Na+ + (glucose -5) ÷ 3)
  • Anion gap is calulcating the difference in measured cations and anions. Since cations and anions will be balanced, a high anion gap is eluding to unmeasured substances ie. Ethanol
  • Click here for causes of high anion gap metabolic acidosis (HAGMA) and non-anion gap metabolic acidosis (NAGMA) – see “ABG Mneumonics” on the data interpretation page.


Consider calculating other metabolic acid-base disorders eg

  • Delta Gap = (anion gap – 12) ÷ (24 – HCO3)
  • Osmolality = (2 x Na+) + urea + glucose + ethanol
  • Osmolar gap = measured osmolality – calculated osmolality



Check the other values especially:

  • Hb
  • Glucose
  • Lactate


Remember to treat the patient and not the numbers. ABGs are a guide to management, but should be used in the wider clinical context (and don’t forget the possibility that the ABG machine may have given an incorrect result!)

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