Use and charging of e-scooters and e-bikes at the university
Policy update – use and charging of e-scooters and e-bikes
Students and staff are reminded that the University of Brighton does not permit use, storage and now the charging of e-scooters or other power transporters (e-scooters, hoverboards, segways, go-peds and u-wheels) on its campuses and halls of residence, following an update of the Cycle Facilities and Micro-mobility Policy.
The policy has been reviewed and now also includes guidance on e-bikes charging and battery safety. Batteries for e-bikes can be charged on campus following safe methods outlined in the Occupational Safety and Health Services Guidance on Lithium Ion Storage and Charging Policyto ensure everyone’s safety.
If you have any queries regarding the policy or use of e-bikes and e-scooters on campus, please contact the EFM Helpdesk.
Photo by Creative Christians on Unsplash