Government update – full return to campus
A message from Debra Humphris, Vice-Chancellor emailed 14 April 2021 to all students.
I am writing to provide an update regarding those students who have not yet been informed by their schools that they are able to return to campus for face-to-face teaching or to access specialist facilities.
Regrettably, the Government has now informed universities that in accordance with their roadmap those students who have not yet been able to return to face-to-face teaching will not be able to do so until the 17 May at the earliest.
As a sector we have put in place significant measures to ensure that our universities are Covid-secure. At the University of Brighton, students and staff have made great efforts to comply with all of the guidance and measures we have put in place to ensure our collective safety and wellbeing. As a result, we have seen very limited numbers of cases of Covid and none of these have been attributed to transmission via face-to-face teaching and learning.
Universities UK, the collective voice of 140 universities and the University Alliance including the University of Brighton, both wrote to the Prime Minister pressing the UK Government as a matter of urgency to consider their plans for all students to return to in-person teaching. I also wrote to our local MPs urging them to press for a positive decision, and I know that many students and their supporters have also written to their MPs to express dissatisfaction. And so it is with great regret that I am not able to bring you better news. Rest assured we will continue to press the Government to consider an earlier return and I hope that it will not be long before we can welcome our remaining students back to campus for in-person teaching and learning.
In the meantime please continue to follow the published timetable which will have been updated where necessary. If you have any questions about this, please do contact your school.
If you feel that your wellbeing would benefit from returning to your term-time accommodation, or you do not have adequate facilities to undertake study, the Government’s exemption criteria confirms that you are able to return to University. It is important, however, that you undertake a LFD test as soon as possible on your return.
For those of you who have already returned, it is important that you continue to be regularly tested. You can book your tests here.
Please also note that all Covid measures remain in place in all University buildings. And while some nationwide restrictions are being lifted, others remain in place – for the safety of everyone. In particular, failing to follow rules around mass gatherings and face coverings can result in a financial penalty; and we all should continue to the follow the everyday guidance around hands, face and space.
I know how frustrating and unsettling the last 12 months have been for many of you. Your health and wellbeing remain our very highest priority, so please do use the resources on offer and speak to your Student Support and Guidance Tutor (SSGT) or course leader should you have any particular concerns. We will update our FAQs as we gain further information.
Please do take good care of yourself and your friends and thank you again for your ongoing patience throughout this difficult time.
Best wishes, stay safe, stay well.