Student News and Events

News and events for University of Brighton students

Do you know about our Wellbeing Workshops….

The university cares about your wellbeing and understands that life as a student can be busy and demanding.

To help you manage this term and keep your life in balance, the Student Services Wellbeing team have organised a variety of sessions on every campus:

Pop up workshops

Building Resilience – Developing ‘Academic Buoyancy’

A series of drop-in mini wellbeing workshops for those short on time!

No need to book, just come along.

Ever wondered what makes us resilient and why some are more resilient than others?

This one hour sessions explores what makes us resilient and how we can become more resistant to the pressures of our academic life.

  • FALMER –  Mayfield House room 102, Wednesday 11 November,  3.30- 4.30pm
  • GRAND PARADE – Grand Parade room 204, Thursday 12 November, 4.30- 5.30pm
  • HASTINGS – Priory Square room 204, Wednesday 18 November, 4- 5pm
  • EASTBOURNE – Robert Dodd room 203 – PG, Tuesday 1 December,  4-5pm
  • MOULSECOOMB, Huxley room 407, Wednesday 2 December 2-3pm

The sessions are facilitated by Sue Burnett, Student Services.  Please contact Sue for more information about the workshops.

Procrastination and how to avoid it

  • Always putting things off and leaving things to last minute?
  • Exams coming up and haven’t made headway with revision?
  • Essay due in but couldn’t get down to it over the holidays?
  • Dissertation looming, but have writer’s block?

Our 2 hour workshop aims to put an end to procrastination by sharing techniques to improve motivation, planning and organisation throughout the academic year. We will discuss ways in which you can be most productive with limited time, make a realistic plan and reward yourself for all your hard work.

  • FALMER – Checkland Building  D222, Tuesday 17 November, TWILIGHT  5 – 7pm
  • HASTINGS – Priory Square , room 204 , Wednesday 18 November, 2 – 4pm
  • GRAND PARADE – GP Boardroom M2, Thursday 19 November, 3 – 5pm
  • EASTBOURNE – Aldro  G5 (Darley Rd site), Tuesday 24 November, TWILIGHT 5-7pm
  • MOULSECOOMB – Huxley room 407, Wednesday 25 November, 1-3pm

The workshops are free and open to all students. Please click here to book a place

New sessions for students dealing with anxiety and worry

Student Services have invited the Brighton and Hove Wellbeing Service to offer support to those who are experiencing issues with anxiety and worry.

Understanding Anxiety and Dealing with Worry is a two part course using CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) techniques to assist in the management of such feelings.

This short programme requires the commitment to attend both sessions.

Ideal for:

Those students who are experiencing anxiety and would benefit from gaining a better understanding and learning more about anxiety and worry and ways of managing these symptoms.

Open to students that reside in Brighton.

  • Part one – Thursday 26th Nov 2015
  • Part two – Thursday 3rd Dec 2015

Twilight sessions 4-6pm, Grand Parade, City Campus


Please contact Sue Burnett to be put on our waiting list or for more information about future courses.

wellbeing workshops

Ed Bending • 6 November 2015

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