Brighton Student Bloggers

Read student blogs about student life and the Brighton university experience

Eva's top nature spots

My favourite nature spots in Brighton!

One of my favourite things about living in Brighton is that we get to have it all – city, coast, and nature all in one place. Brighton is surrounded by beautiful places to go walking, biking and hiking, but I’ve selected my top two for this article and put them on a map so you…

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Working whilst studying at Brighton

As amazing as it feels to receive your first student loan drop, and finally be able to buy all the things you want to buy with your own money, the reality is that it doesn’t last forever. Many factors are at play; including your student loan amount, parental or family support, saving, spending, and other…

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Jenny headshot

Uni isn’t all about studying – I started my career as a writer!

Follow your passion and achieve your goals Journalism had always been an industry that I had loved without even being aware of it. Writing and telling stories is always something that I have enjoyed. Over the lockdown I watched countless documentaries and have realised this is an area of journalism I would love to enter….

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Doughnuts that Stef bought from the Too Good to Go app

Brighton food: A (hungry) student’s guide

Brighton is an incredible place to live in as student, and it is also the ultimate go-to destination for foodies with its wide variety of cuisines, suiting all preferences and budgets. Here is a mini guide to the best food Brighton has to offer for students, from a student (and massive foodie). Student-friendly Brighton restaurants In…

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How my course is helping to save our environment! [video]

To read more about how your course can help save the environment, check out Anna’s blogs!

Rainbow graffiti in Brighton

University 101: preparing for university life

The jump to university can feel like a leap of faith if you are unprepared. It can be overwhelming, both mentally and physically, but it does not need to be! Making sure you know what to expect and taking the time to process the change will help you along the way. I will be sharing…

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STUDENT life – what is Brighton really like?

Whether you’re a fan of cafés, vintage clothes, or arcade games, Brighton has got something for you! Although it’s one of the sunniest places in the UK, you don’t even have to bank on the good weather to find loads to do. Travelling in, around and out of Brighton Travel around Brighton is incredibly easy,…

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Franco Manca pizza

Five Instagram accounts that you need to follow!

Brighton. You’ve got to love it. Whether it’s the city’s impressive variety of shops, bars and restaurants or its sweeping seafront, there is bound to be something for everyone. Although I quickly felt right at home when I started my degree at the University of Brighton, it’s not a small area and it can be…

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Carnival street party at Brighton Pride

Pride 2021 – how I will be celebrating

It’s easy to take for granted how lucky we are in Brighton. Everything you’ve heard about how tolerant, how accepting, how liberal it is – by and large, it’s all true. And more than anything else, this is shown by our massive annual Pride celebration.  What is Brighton Pride? Brighton Pride has grown to be…

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