Brighton Student Bloggers

Read student blogs about student life and the Brighton university experience

Brighton Pier

5 things I wish I had known before university

University is a big deal – your life is about to change in ways you won’t imagine. We all reflect and wish we knew things we didn’t at the time. So, here are 5 things I wish I had known before coming to university. University as an experience  There’s a cliché saying you’ll be constantly hearing right now: ‘Don’t worry – everyone…

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Mental health techniques that may help you too

Lockdown has presented everyone with many challenges, one of which is dealing with our mental health. I will illustrate several techniques which I have used during and after lockdown to help manage my mental health in a positive way. Stay connected During lockdown one of the things which affected me the most was the lack…

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Brighton pier at sunset

5 things I wish I had known before university

Here is a rundown of 5 things I wish I had known before I started at university that I think would have really helped make the process smoother, easier and cheaper!   You don’t need to buy as much as you think. When buying your kit to bring with you, only buy the essentials, everyone I know…

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Jay headshot

Joining a course halfway through

Joining the Sport and Exercise Science (SES) BSc course in the second year was daunting at first. Knowing I would be at a disadvantage, having missed and not learnt the fundamentals of SES in the first year, and making friends halfway through the course would be tough. I knew skipping a year may be challenging…

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Student bedroom

Preparing for remote learning

This September I will be returning to Brighton for my final year of study on Fashion Design with Business, and naturally this year will not be a typical return for any student. Due to the Covid regulations there will be more planning and circumstances to consider.   I am making sure that my room at university…

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Students sitting around a laptop

Making the most of Freshers – even when it’s online

Looking back to my first term of university, Freshers was a huge opportunity to make friends and try something new. Even though everything will be hosted online this year there’s plenty of events to get involved with. Most importantly, make sure you attend Freshers Fair. You’ll be surprised at just how many societies there are…

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University student walking in Brighton pavilion gardens after getting into university through Clearing

Studying in my hometown

There are several reasons why living at home whilst studying at university is a good thing. I have composed a small list of reasons why living in your hometown can be beneficial. Saving money It goes without saying that if you have the opportunity to live at home, you will be able to save money….

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Gladstone pub yellow frontage

Freshers 2020 – A unique experience

Freshers is an amazing part of the university experience. For those that aren’t sure what Freshers entails, it’s two weeks of events held in and around Brighton. During this time students are moving into their own place for the first time or moving back to continue their studies – so you can imagine, it’s an…

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