Brighton Student Bloggers

Read student blogs about student life and the Brighton university experience

Tim Bonner

What is it like studying a maths degree at University of Brighton?

I’m adapting to university study Mathematics is not the easiest of courses, as you may expect. Lots to learn and remember. That being said, I have had great support returning to education after taking four years away from studying and day by day I’m finding it easier and progressing with my work. We’re assessed in…

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Lenka Huntly

What is it like studying a nursing degree at university?

Nursing is my dream job I have always wanted to study nursing but it took me a while to get there. I had a teaching degree already and I was working so it was a financially difficult decision. When I found out that I could get a student loan for a second degree (provided it…

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Nick Worman

What is it like studying a Paramedic Science degree at Brighton?

The pandemic encouraged me to study at university I worked in travel for seven years and the pandemic finally give me the encouragement to do something new. I wanted to go to university and study a degree that would provide me with a rewarding career. I’ve always loved working with people and mentoring. Paramedics came…

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Emmanuel Akyeampon

What is it like studying a pharmacy degree at University of Brighton?

The foundation year prepared me for university I found the transition from studying at sixth-form to university very smooth. During my foundation year, I felt the lecturers explained well and showed how different (and often easier) studying Pharmacy at university is compared with science at A-level. I was shown how I was expected to deliver…

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What is it like studying a Medicine degree at university?

Medical students interact with patients early on Within my first week of studying I was spending an afternoon in A&E at University Hospitals Sussex so we very quickly got comfortable interacting with patients. I’m in year 3 now where we have one day of lectures and Tuesday to Friday is on placement on a hospital…

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Dave Howarth

What is it like studying a social work degree at University of Brighton?

I’m a mature student at university I started university straight after doing an Access course, so the transition was fine, although it is a step up to degree-level. The lecturers and my tutor have been very supportive, while making the expectations clear, so I know where I stand, what is expected of me and what…

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Ollie Moutrey

What is it like to train as a teacher at Brighton?

Prepare for your future at university Throughout my school life, I always aspired to be a teacher as I saw their job as an incredible impact on children and that’s what I wanted to do in life. The primary education teacher training course helps you tremendously to prepare you for your future career. Staff show…

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Chloe Bassett

What is it like to study humanities at University of Brighton?

Adjusting to university-level study It was my curiosity and passion for ethical thinking that led me to apply for the Philosophy, Politics and Ethics course at the University of Brighton. Being a first-generation student, I had no idea what to expect of university life. I was surprised by how much of my time would be…

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What is it like studying a fine art degree at Brighton?

Make your own study pathway I studied an art foundation which helped me narrow down the specialism within the field a bit more, and after finding this painting course (one of only a few which offer it in the UK), it felt tailored to everything I wanted to learn about and explore! Find your people…

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Student using a microscope in university lab

My route through Clearing: Seniz Mustafa

As part of our series on student Clearing stories Seniz Mustafa, who is a student on the Ecology and Conservation BSc, tells us about the route through Clearing they took and how they overcame any challenges along the way. Why did you apply through Clearing? I did not achieve the results that I had wanted,…

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