Brighton Student Bloggers

Read student blogs about student life and the Brighton university experience

Ugonna Okoro

What is it like studying a Biomedical Science degree at University of Brighton?

Develop your style at Brighton You can direct your own learning and suggest tools and methods that help you understand complex physiological systems. I have used and observed lab equipment including confocal, electron and atomic microscopes, spectrometers, spirometer and four-lead electrocardiograms. Real-life benefits of study My favourite module was Diet and Exercise. One of the…

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Seniz Mustafa

What is it like studying an ecology degree at University of Brighton?

Do your research for university Choosing what to study was slightly difficult as there are a range of courses related to the environment, each specialising in different areas. Originally I wanted to study zoology because I loved learning about animals, but I changed my mind to ecology because I also wanted to learn about the…

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Kerry Hullands

What is it like studying an education degree at Brighton?

I enjoyed reading more about the lectures The transition to degree level was for me mostly noticeable in the amount of reading, I had done a literature A-level but the amount of reading I have done on this degree is definitely more. However, this is also a benefit as I am always interested in the…

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Bethany Croucher

What is it like studying an engineering degree at University of Brighton?

Develop your specialism at Brighton Engineering is a very structured course so all the mechanical, automotive, and aeronautical students work together until the third year. All engineers learn the essential engineering skills and the foundations of a variety of areas before narrowing into individual strains in the final year. I think this structure works very…

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Tim Bonner

What is it like studying a maths degree at University of Brighton?

I’m adapting to university study Mathematics is not the easiest of courses, as you may expect. Lots to learn and remember. That being said, I have had great support returning to education after taking four years away from studying and day by day I’m finding it easier and progressing with my work. We’re assessed in…

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Lenka Huntly

What is it like studying a nursing degree at university?

Nursing is my dream job I have always wanted to study nursing but it took me a while to get there. I had a teaching degree already and I was working so it was a financially difficult decision. When I found out that I could get a student loan for a second degree (provided it…

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Nick Worman

What is it like studying a Paramedic Science degree at Brighton?

The pandemic encouraged me to study at university I worked in travel for seven years and the pandemic finally give me the encouragement to do something new. I wanted to go to university and study a degree that would provide me with a rewarding career. I’ve always loved working with people and mentoring. Paramedics came…

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Emmanuel Akyeampon

What is it like studying a pharmacy degree at University of Brighton?

The foundation year prepared me for university I found the transition from studying at sixth-form to university very smooth. During my foundation year, I felt the lecturers explained well and showed how different (and often easier) studying Pharmacy at university is compared with science at A-level. I was shown how I was expected to deliver…

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What is it like studying a Medicine degree at university?

Medical students interact with patients early on Within my first week of studying I was spending an afternoon in A&E at University Hospitals Sussex so we very quickly got comfortable interacting with patients. I’m in year 3 now where we have one day of lectures and Tuesday to Friday is on placement on a hospital…

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Dave Howarth

What is it like studying a social work degree at University of Brighton?

I’m a mature student at university I started university straight after doing an Access course, so the transition was fine, although it is a step up to degree-level. The lecturers and my tutor have been very supportive, while making the expectations clear, so I know where I stand, what is expected of me and what…

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