My university Clearing experience: Student Clearing Stories
Clearing students are just like you…
Don’t think you are alone, each year lots of students come to university this way and each one has their own Clearing experience to talk about.
Here are some quotes from three current students. Read through to their Clearing stories: you’ll probably find someone who’s journey might have been just like yours…
University Clearing experience quotes

“It was fine. Everything was speedy, nothing took longer than it needed to take.”
Alternative routes to university by Eva Martin Pharmacy MPharm
“Have a couple of universities in mind before results day so you know where you want to apply.”
Navigating university Clearing: Seniz’s Journey to Ecology and Conservation Seniz Mustafa: Ecology and Conservation BSc(Hons)

“As far as the process itself it was straight forward with contact lines always available at any step of the process.”
My international Clearing story George Diamantopoulos: Mechanical Engineering BEng(Hons)

Word from the uni
Do grades matter in Clearing? Well, yes but we always look at you as an individual with a variety of talents and strengths. It’s never only about your grades!
Find out more about Clearing and how it can be a route into university.