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What’s it like studying a games design degree at Brighton?

  • Author: Helen Speck, Games Art and Design BA(Hons), School of Art and Media

The idea of making a game seemed amazing!

I chose games art and design as I am interested in 3D design as well as the process of designing environments and characters. The bonus is being able to play games as research! As a mature student I have already tried some career choices. I did photography for some years and that got me to the realisation that my true love was digital art.

Design is a pleasure

The games industry is expanding very quickly and the software they use is very powerful. Games are often used to get out a message out, or to make learning more fun. To be a designer that will have that much influence on people comes with great responsibility, but it is also pleasing to think that you were part of the creation of that game.

Games Art and Design is hard work but lots of fun

As it is an art course, we have more tutorials rather than lectures in a big lecture hall. The class is relatively small, so it is easy to know fellow students as well as have time with the tutors. I really enjoy the creative aspect of the course – coming up with the ideas then sketching and creating those ideas in 3D or 2D.

I’m developing my own style at university

We have looked at the elements that you have to work through and think about when creating a game. A lot of this is done with images from the net and images of your own that you have drawn or created in 3D. The tutors give us a foundation of an idea and then we develop our own style. We’ve explored the basics of using 3D software, and we will be learning how to make our games come alive with a game engine.

There’s support in all areas at Brighton

I have found the tutors very supportive and are always willing to give one-to-ones to help when struggling with work. And as a class we give each other ideas of what we could do to develop our work further. This happened when the classes were online as well as in person.

Student looking at their phone

Word from the uni…

Interested in this course? Read the full course description for our games art and design degree BA(Hons).

Interested in this subject? Here’s more visual communication degrees.

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independent livingmature studentsPreparing for university

Helen Speck • 27th July 2022

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