What is Fashion Design with Business Studies at university like?
- Author: Tiffany Lee, Fashion Design with Business Studies BA(Hons), School of Art and Media
Fashion with business is the best of both worlds!
I chose fashion at Brighton because I love the structure and content of the course. I love to create pieces and exhibit as well as fundraising – which are all skills that we develop. I also chose this course as I believe in fashion leaning towards sustainability and individuality and I wanted to be a part of the movement.
Find your community at Brighton
We spend a lot of time developing ideas and making garments using as much creative freedom as we need. You can’t imagine where to start on your own, so with the support of technicians we learn practical skills to create our innovative designs. A big part of fashion design is community, one of the best parts of being in university studios is that you could see other people’s work, chat and discuss ideas with other students.
Learn from talented technicians at university
In fashion the most impactful people you will meet are your technicians. Fashion technicians teach the practical and technical skills that you need to be able to create your amazing ideas. It is mind blowing the methods that they will teach you to make simple things look elegant and beautiful.

Collaborate with other creatives
My favourite module is a creative collaboration where you work with other disciplines to make your fabrics and market your collection. This project is great because you get to bounce ideas off your group and see how they interpret your concept. Not only that but because you work collaboratively the cost of your making is split between everyone – making it much easier to finance and make a piece out of quality materials.
Learn a new skill and make friends
I would recommend that everyone join a society, it was the best part of my first-year experience. Not only is it fun but it was so good to meet a variety of people that all go to the uni. I wouldn’t have met them otherwise. It can be hard to find something you’ll enjoy but the university has so many societies there is surely at least one you can get stuck into.

Word from the uni…
Interested in this course? Read the full course description Fashion Design with Business Studies BA(Hons).
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