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Rebecca Healy White

Studying Nutrition at university – a mixture of placements and lectures

  • Author: Rebecca Healy-White

Nutrition is so important!

I chose to do Nutrition with Public Health as I feel that nutrition is becoming more and more important and new research and data is being produced regularly. I have always found it fascinating how foods can affect our bodies in different ways.

A curriculum that focuses on current global issues

My course has many aspects that focus on big global challenges, we are constantly being thrown new information from understanding how our genetics can play a role in our health, from understanding anti-inflammatory diets to debunking fake nutrition and fad diets.

We can choose the subjects we like most

Modules range from sport physiology, food biochemistry and functionality to nutritional programme and project planning. There is something on the degree for everyone and you can choose what pathway and subjects to focus on.
Support in all areas of university life We have lots of support whilst studying at the University of Brighton from our SSGT’s to course reps and while staying in halls of residence we had resident advisers (RA’s) to help with any worries or concerns we had. The RAs also held games and pizza nights for anyone suffering from loneliness or for anyone who just fancied it.

Placements enabled me to use my knowledge

My second-year placement consisted of making phone calls for a charity helping people who suffer from loneliness and food problems. Every week I spoke with my clients advising on what were the best foods to eat and foods to avoid. Phone calls posed some challenges, but I overcame them and ended up thoroughly enjoying my placement.

My perspective has changed over the last three years

The course has opened my mind to a lot of different things, I have a better understanding of how fake news can affect people’s understanding of nutrition. I have met many different people along my journey through university, from lecturers who have worked with elite runners to students who have helped shaped and opened my mind to information that I have never even thought about.

Student looking at their phone

Word from the uni…

Interested in this course? Read the full course description Nutrition BSc(Hons).

Interested in this subject? Here’s more sport and health science degrees.

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applicationsindependent livingNutritionPreparing for universitySchool of sport and health sciencesSport and Health Sciences

Rebecca Healy-White • 12th May 2022

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