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Sophie Lee

Why study Geography and Archaeology?

  • Author: Sophie Lee

How to decide what to study at university?

When choosing a specific course to study, I went with gut instinct. I enjoy both humanities and sciences, and the course is combined with geography which is a perfect balance of both. I also liked the options you get with combined courses, since I enjoy both geography and archaeology, I would be able to transfer courses easily if I wanted to.

Discuss modern topics that will have a huge impact on the world

Many historical aspects can explain the causes of modern-day issues, like racism, sexism, and body image.

Geography is so much more than physical processes or relationships of humans with land, it is the key to solving the current environmental issues such as air, water and land pollutions.

Geography and archaeology interlink so well, it feels like all the issues in the world align.

Learn outside the classroom with archaeology

Brighton really stuck out because the course structure is amazing! In the first year we have mainly geography modules with a few archaeology talks, trips, and lectures. In the second year we really started getting into archaeology. Residential trips such as Norfolk in the first year and Sicily in the second year – we had a trip almost every week in second year, going to museums and archaeological sites.

Discover your favourite study style

There is a variety of learning styles – from independent work like reading and revision, or more collaborative work like group projects, seminars, and tutor meetings. Seminars are nice to discuss readings, and to ensure you’re up-do-date with everything. In first year, we had weekly tutor meetings to check in and discuss general issues, and learn about essential aspects of the course such as correct referencing, efficient research and reading.

There’s always help and support at Brighton if you need it

If I’m stuck with anything, I send an email to my lecturers or tutor and it gets sorted quite quickly. If it’s regarding mental health, each course has an SSGT assigned, whom you’ll meet in the first week. You can drop an email to student support, where they can arrange a learning support plan or counselling. You can talk to them about anything at all.

Student looking at their phone


Word from the uni…

Interested in this course? Read the full course description Geography with Archaeology BSc(Hons).

Interested in this subject? Here’s more geography, the Earth and environment degrees.

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applicationsGeography the Earth and environmentGeography with Archaeologyindependent livingPreparing for universityWellbeing

Sophie Lee • 4th May 2022

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