What is a Creative Writing degree? And more!
What do you study in Creative Writing? It’s more than just writing!
This course is about the art of putting words together to construct something emotionally relatable, something that can guide others on their paths or help them recognise how they’re feeling. The lecturers provide us with opportunities to present our work to others and gain insight into how we can improve creativity or grammatically.
Discover a whole new world of storytelling
My course has definitely opened my eyes to the literature world that the novice young writer like me had no idea about, like the many queer writers and strong black women who have produced ground-breaking novels, short stories and thought-provoking theories.
My lecturers are pushing to decolonise the curriculum of the English literature-based courses, teaching us more than just white male authors’ works.
What careers could I pursue?
My favourite module was Stage, Screen and Radio as it allowed me to recognise my potential to create believable scripted dialogue. I have found a real passion in it and hope to pursue it.
Support one another and get feedback on your writing
I love working with my fellow classmates. We all have such different writing styles that when we come together it ends up creating something so unique. I especially enjoy the workshops, where we share our writing and get feedback. Fresh eyes to your work mean a fresh take on how it can be improved.
Make new friends outside of your course and join a society
I joined the British Sign Language society in first year and loved it so much I became the VP social in my third year. Joining a society lets you meet people on the same wavelength as you, you can connect with them and learn at the same time. I’ve developed my BSL and made so many new friends; all while raising money for charity.

Brighton allows you to be who you are
Brighton is such a freeing and accepting city, that I can’t stress enough how I feel being an open queer person walking around proudly. If you want to live in a city that’s loud and proud and lets you explore your originality, then Brighton is the place for you.

Word from the uni…
Interested in this course? Read the full course description Creative Writing BA(Hons).
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