Call to action – check your entitlement for 21/22 and apply for 22/23 funding
Continuing with your studies in 2022/23? Let’s talk funding.
You might not be aware, but if you’re an undergraduate student (or studying on a course that attracts the undergraduate funding package) you need to re-apply for your tuition fee and maintenance loans each year of study. This is the case whether you’re progressing onto the next year of your course or returning to repeat some or part of a year. Applications reopened in March and if you’ve not yet submitted yours, it’s time to get on it.
Returning students need to apply by 24th June to ensure their funding is received promptly at the start of the new academic year.
If you’re applying for tuition fee support and help with living costs, this can be done online via your account on the Student Finance Portal. You’ll need your email address or customer reference number, password and secret answer. If you’ve forgotten your password, you can follow the prompts to change it to something more memorable, but make sure not to share this information with anyone else.
If you’re a continuing EU student applying for tuition fee support only, you should be sent application forms to fill in and return by post. These can also be downloaded online.
The good news is that the process for continuing students who are progressing on the same course should be a lot more straightforward than previous years, with most receiving a reply within 6-8 weeks.
If you are repeating part of your course, changing to a new course, or there have been changes to your study pattern (for example if you had planned to complete a sandwich year but have changed your mind), you need to make sure Student Finance are up to date with these changes and are aware of which academic year you are going into. It is simple enough to make these types of changes via your Student Finance account, but don’t wait until the last minute as this can cause unnecessary delays to your funding.
If your previous applications have been based on your parents’ household income, and you remain under the age of 25, they will need to support your application again by providing their income details for the financial year April 2020 – April 2021. They can do this using the online application portal, or by printing and completing the PFF2 application for 2022/23
If your parents expect that their combined household income during the 2022/23 tax year will drop by 15% or more since the 2020-21 tax year, they should also complete the Current Year Income Assessment Form 2022/23
They still need to provide income information for the 2020-21 tax year, even if they are applying for a current year income assessment.
If you’re unsure about whose household income should be included in your assessment, take a look at the Student Finance: how to apply information online.
Students who have been assessed as eligible for the full undergraduate Student Finance England funding package based on a household income under £25,000, may also be eligible to receive a University of Brighton Bursary of £500 in each eligible year of the course. You do not need to make a separate application for this as eligibility should be automatically assessed based on the information provided to Student Finance.
If you have any questions about your funding or the application process, we would be happy to chat things through with you. You can call the Student Advice Service Monday – Friday (except Wednesday), 9am – 5pm on 01273 642888, or send us an email to studentadvice@brighton.ac.uk. In-person and Teams appointments are also available on request.
Student Advice Service