Are you trying to improve your Facebook conversions? Have you tried combining the power of Google Analytics with your Facebook Insights?
Comparing your Facebook data can help you find fans who are most likely to convert.
The following points will help you identify an the key audience to then match it with your Facebook fans for increased conversions:
If you aren’t familiarized with google analytics yet. Check this great Guide on How to Get Started with Google Analytics.
According to DeMers (2014) Google Analytics is the most popular free tool you can use to measure the success of your inbound marketing efforts. With it, you can view the volume of your website traffic, track where your users are coming from and where they’re going, and learn how and why your users are visiting your website over any given period of time.
Here are 4 tips to increase your Facebook Conversions on Google Analytics.
#1 You need to identify your buying audience
Google Analytics demographics data (location, gender and age groups) helps you to determine your optimum audience (Social Media Examinar, 2015).
The first step is finding a time period with enough data, as Google Analytics doesnt track every visit to your website.
Once you open your Audience – Overview.
Once Overview is open, and you can see the two graphs as the example bellow, you can then experiment with different time periods, until you find the one with the largest percentage ( percentage of sessions on your website where Google has tracked demographic data.)
Once you’ve located an acceptable time period, you’ll need to find out which segment provides the best conversion rate. There are two ways to track conversions: events and goals (Social Media Examiner, 2014)
I’ve personally prefered doing it through Goals. According to Calero (2014) goals are conversions that occur on specific pages, so the process here is slightly different.
To find your goals, conversions do the following:
1. In the left column click Behavior > Site Content > All Pages.
2. At the top of the report, go into the search menu and type the name of the page where conversions occur (e.g., the thank-you page that comes up after someone enters a contest).
3. Click on Secondary Dimension and select the demographic you want to analyze. You can choose any demographic data (e.g., location, language, device) that will help you identify your optimum user. (Calero, 2014)
The image below shows the data for Gender.
#2 Find audience Gaps on Facebook
Once you’ve identified your optimum segments throguh Google Analytics, it’s time for you to find out how that audience is distributed among your Facebook fans.
If there’s a gap, that could explain why you’re not getting results from your Facebook marketing (Forbes, 2013)
The easiest way to find distribution is to use Facebook Insights.
If you go to Your Fans report (on the people tab), you will be able to see your fans’ demographic segments by gender and age group.
*Compare the data with your findings from Google Analytics.
If Google Analytics shows that the website’s optimum audience is e.g females ages 20-29. However, Facebook Insights shows that the same audience only makes up 6% of the page’s total fans. That’s a significant gap.
In order to closed the gap, you business can create a new product, which is more suitable for your current Facebook fans. Otherwise, a more simple way of approaching it would be to write targeted posts , and therefore increase both engagement and the number of fans from your optimum audience (Calero, 2014).
#3 Understand your Facebook Audience
It is crucial to understand your audience. Facebook Audience Insights, can create a filter to show data about your optimum audience in your desired markets.
Go to your Facebook Audience Insights control panel. In the left column, select the demographics you want information about. Keeping with our example, you would select females ages 20-29.
Continue adding filters until you’ve identified your optimum demographic.
*Always remember to Click Save from the top menu
#4 Start Creating Targeted Content
Based on the results of the targeting information from Facebook Audience Insights, you can start creating new content that directly matches your optimum audience’s interests.
A simple way to come up with ideas on content would be looking at other Facebook Pages that your fans follow. What type of posts do the other pages deliver? What are their engagement rates?
It is interesting to know that publishing when your users are online improves your chances of reaching them. Take a look at Job Title/Industry audience data to estimate the times when most of your optimum audience is looking at Facebook.
Lastly, a good tip is to take a look at Marital Status/Household Size. If your optimum audience is young and singles, your message should be totally different than if they are mature couples with families.
In conclusion, if you’re not seeing similar conversions, your optimum audience and fan base may not be the same. When your Facebook audience is aligned with your overall optimum audience, you’ll start to see better results for your business (Weinberger, 2016)
I hope the tips above help you to generate more Facebook conversions.
Good luck!
Calero, A. (2014). How to Implement a Loyalty Program Using Social Media. Available: Last accessed 9th May 2016.
Facebook for Business, (2015). Facebook Ads. [Online] Available at: (Accessed last 9th May 2016)
Forbes. (2013). 10 Reasons Your Brand Should Use Google Analytics. Available: needs-to-be-on-instagram/#621f95e32930. Last accessed 20th Feb 2016.
Social Media Examiner. (2014). How to Increase Your Facebook Conversions Using Google Analytics. Available: Last accessed 9th May 2016.
Weinberger, M. (2016). Google is smashing its worlds together in the race to win the cloud wars. Available: Last accessed 9th May 2016.