Would you open an email with this subject line?
Win a trip to Barcelona!
It definitely made me open it…
OYSHO, Inditex’s newest brand, uses the ‘CALL TO ACTION’ method with very catchy subject lines as an email marketing strategy. Entering into a competition to win something, catchy subject lines and helping the brand get exposure on social media is one of the many ways an email can get you to open it.
On an article published by MailChimp, they go over the importance of Subject Lines, and some very useful tips to make these effective in order to engage your target audience.
On the bellow email, OYSHO, offers you the chance of entering into a competition that would help them get more exposure on the social media platforms. The email explains what is the Jazz You festival, where and when. Then you can see 3 pictures of the artists which are playing, and underneath the pictures the instructions to enter the competition.
1. Follow them on their twitter account
2. Post a photo of an unforgettable memory, and use their hashtag #JazzYou
3. Mention the person that you would like to bring along.
The strategy behind this email is quite transparent: you help OYSHO get exposure and you might win a trip to Spain – but it is also sophisticated and probably took a lot of time, as there are many legislations that apply to online competitions. The design of the email is simple but classy and jazzy. It’s not personalized, in fact, it might of been sent to all of their data base. It doesn’t promote their products at all, it only offers the opportunity to enter in their competition and tells you about their event in Barcelona, which is also another marketing strategy for the brand.
In my opinion they should have made it more private, as not everyone would like to upload a picture to their Instagram with the OYSHO hashtag. They should have also specified the hotel and the conditions of the competition in the email, instead of an embedded link.