Blink Ink is a production and talent company. They work across advertising, animation and create a lot of content for music videos. They mix up different film making styles with animation. I find this method so inspiring – it is a new artwork in its own right. I want to experiment like this with my own work by combining photography, footage and animation. Bart Yaters led the talk:
- Look for new opportunities – through opportunities your art grows.
- Look at other directors work
- People have an emotional connection to craft – they love to see it.
- Make sure you combine digital and hand craft skills.
- Strike up relationships with people in companies that you like
- Always think abut the emotion in your work – what is the emotion?
- Bring people together to work on bigger projects.
The portfolio review was constructive I learnt a lot. Bart emphasised working on my narratives and streamlining my workflow to make it look less messy. He suggested I look at vintage Vogue magazines for reference. Look back to look forwards. When displaying my work on instagram or in a portfolio I need to show it in sets, as opposed to a random sequence of images. “It helps people to read your work”.