I loved this talk with Hannah Waldron. She is an artist and designer based in the UK. Graphic and narrative led image making. She highlighted the importance of experimenting with different forms because they will feed into one another. She took up weaving and that led her to creating new ways of drawing. Incorporating textile textures into her work. She is interested in communicating something about a place through the use of textures. I can draw links here with my own work as I take a lot of inspiration from collecting vintage costume jewellery. The textures and materials feed into my drawings. How can new methods inform my artwork?
- Think Global
- Apply for funding and awards – you never know who can help you with a project!
- Submit to zines and exhibitions. They are always crying out for content!
- Art directors are like cheerleaders – they will push you to do your best work.
- Write Manifestos – think about – what are your values? what do you want to achieve?
- Design nice PDF’s for your applications.