My thoughts on… ‘Big Data: The Management Revolution’ (McAfee & Brynjoifsson)
This weeks reading of McAfee & Brynjolfsson’s article on ”You can’t manage what you can’t measure”. Offered insight into Big Data, of which they express the importance of why digital data is so important for companies to gain an understanding of their customers/consumers, which can be achieved (or tracked) through the following ways;
– what the customers bought,
– what they looked at,
– how they naviagte through a site,
– how much they are influenced through promotions, reviews and lay outs.
As a result of the above insights, companies have developed algorythums off the back of this.
They futher express that Big Data has the capabilities to transform businesses now and in the future, such as giving greater opportunities for competative advantages, and also what they refer to as being a ‘management revolution’ due to the rapid increase of data daily within the data world.
McAfee, A., & Brynjolfsson, E. (2012). Big data: the management revolution. Harvard business review, 90(10), 60-66.