What makes an effective social media strategy?

The world of social media has taken everyone and everything by storm over the last few years or so, with the need for businesses to get involved becoming more and more important.

So why do businesses need to start taking their marketing online? Well as we have suddenly been pushed into the world of digital, that’s where businesses are more likely to find their customers hiding. By targeting them from a different angle aside from TV advertising and billboards or old fashioned written print, it’s about time to take it to where they are most active, and sit and wait for them to approach.

Safko (2010) wrote a book named, “The social media bible: tactics, tools and strategies for business success” and listed the 5 key steps into creating a successful social media strategy.

  1. Analyse existing media

First of all the company in question needs to analyse the media that they are already using in their marketing strategies, whether that’s online or not. It is important to have a look at the return on investment and see how beneficial it actually is.

  1. The social media trinity

The next stage is to analyse various ways of using social media to bring benefit. For example, understanding the differences between blogs, social media sites such as Facebook and vlogging. Knowing and understanding that there are different types of digital marketing spaces in a social environment that could attract attention from consumers is important.

  1. Integrate strategies

Integrating the current successful marketing ideas with the new ways of producing social content should be combined to create an overall digital marketing strategy. Perhaps new content could be distributed through a different medium compared to before, potentially creating a larger return on investment.

  1. Identify resources

Next you need a team who are going to roll out this strategy. It may involve employees who are currently in the marketing team or it is possible to hire in extra resources to help with the new social space. This of course would vary from one company to another so it’s hard to provide general recommendations.

  1. Implement and measurement

Lastly, it is key to measure the success of a new strategy. Finding out how well it’s doing as well as calculating the new return on investment will provide an insight into the new way of creating digital marketing. Ensuring a smooth roll out with a high ROI will prove a success in the future.


Safko, L. (2010) The social media bible: tactics, tools, and strategies for business success, 2nd edn, Wiley, Hoboken, N.J.

Satell (2013) has also come up with four key steps to creating a successful social media strategy for businesses, which complements the above.

  1. Clarify the mission

The company needs to know what they want to achieve before they set out and launch a new strategy. No one likes the unknown at the end of the day.

  1. Identify analogues

There are many different ways to phrase things, or deliver messages. Make it clear; know what you want to come across to the consumer. Perhaps take some sneaky tips from competitors if you’re stuck.

  1. Focus on the structure

Everything needs to be structured and set in stone. Just like every story has a beginning, middle and an end, your marketing needs this too.

  1. Create a community (not an audience)

You want your customers to essentially become like family. Make them feel welcomed in your marketing messages.

The two above approaches have considered the consumers first and the most achievable way of getting attention from social media. However, they haven’t taken into account the consumers that are not on social media, or those who do not actively ‘follow’ the companies. It’s all well and good posting information, but if your customers don’t use social media to follow companies and brands that they like, they might miss your messaging. It’s all about word of mouth and getting individuals to share information that could potentially get the message across to more customers. Constable (2016) noted some items that you do not want to do when completing online business. The most important point being: “chasing after people who aren’t interested and won’t be”. This is crucial in social media marketing. It’s all about targeting the right audience.

There are several websites on the Internet nowadays that give you the ‘success factors’ to creating a social media marketing strategy. However, it’s important for companies to understand that what works well for one business, may go horribly wrong for another. You can’t set in stone a social media strategy or a blueprint for everyone else to follow. It’s about being creative, trying to find new ways to get in contact with your consumers, gaining their attention, which will hopefully lead to a sale.

To end this post about creating an effective social media marketing strategy, here is a final piece of advice.

“Social media marketing is all about listening first, understanding the conversation and speaking last” (Safko, 2010).

Here are some other sources that might be useful.

  • Daoud, H. (2014) 8 essential elements of a social media marketing strategy. [Online], <http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/essential-elements-social-media-marketing-strategy/> [Accessed 27th January]
  • LePage, E. (2014) How to create a social media marketing plan in 6 steps. [Online], <http://blog.hootsuite.com/how-to-create-a-social-media-marketing-plan/> [Accessed 27th January]
  • Patterson, M. (2015) 7 Steps in Creating a Winning Social Media Marketing Strategy. [Online], <http://sproutsocial.com/insights/social-media-marketing-strategy/> [Accessed 27th January]
  • Zarrella, D. (2010) The social media marketing book. O’Reilly, Beijing;Farnham;.


  • Constable, K. (2016) 4 Rookie Errors that stunt your online business. [Online],<http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/254381> [Accessed 27th January]
  • Safko, L. (2010) The social media bible: tactics, tools, and strategies for business success, 2nd edn, Wiley, Hoboken, N.J.
  • Satell, G. (2013) How to build an effective social marketing strategy. [Online],<http://www.forbes.com/sites/gregsatell/2013/10/06/how-to-build-an-effective-social-marketing-strategy/#da67a295a450> [Accessed 27th January]

2 thoughts on “What makes an effective social media strategy?

  1. Thank you for the reference!

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