Have Fun Stay Safe Online

Social Media

What is Social Media?

The internet is amazing. Children can play, learn, create and connect – opening up a whole world of exciting possibilities.

Social Media has a variety of apps you can use to communicate and share information with your friends. Such apps include:
Youtube and many more.

Nowadays young people of all ages spend a significant amount of time using Social Media for one thing or another. Whether chatting with friends,sharing information or just watching clips of others. Social Media is part of their daily life.


What are the risks of Social Media?

Like many other things Social Media has risks too.
Risks such as; Cyberbullying,Harrassement,Addiction and Communicating with people you do not know.
Posting things on Social Media can have an effect on college and job applications too.

Have a look at the video below to see how easy it can be to access someone’s information .

Do you know how to stay safe on Social Media sites?

  • Never post any personal information such as your address, your mobile number, your location or your email address.                                            
  • Think before you post pictures or videos. Once posted they no longer belong to you and can be seen and downloaded by anyone anywhere.
  • Make sure your privacy settings are on maximum.                                                                
  • Never give anyone your password, not even your friends.

Never add people you don’t know. Remember not everyone is who they say they are.     

  • Do Not meet up with anyone you have met online.Always tell parents/carers if anyone asks you to do so.
  • If you see anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or worried make sure you tell someone.

Sharon Clements • January 19, 2017

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