Why companies consider adding Online Videos to their Marketing?

Online Video has become an integral part of online activity and communication either through social networking sites, smart phones, etc. They have provided a more efficient means or receiving and sending information. Online videos are an essential element in content marketing, due to creativity and originality encouraged. The more interactive and engaging a video is, the better the chance consumers will have of remembering set video especially in comparison with traditional forms of expressing information e.g. articles. Cisco (2013) predicts by 2017 video will represent 69% of all consumer traffic (see her for the full study)

Growth of Online Videos

Trimble (2013)  highlights online video have seen tremendous growth among consumers as they provide an alternative means to access information and entertainment that can be viewed by consumers  in their own time and setting.  Videos are a significant focus on social media sites, as the ability to upload a video and share it with friends is an integral part of user-generated content. Especially with the introduction of video sharing services such Youtube and more recently Vine, Instagram.

ICEF Monitor (2014) highlight during 2013 Vine users rose by 400% while Instagram users grew by 130%, showcasing the strength of video sharing services.  Online videos growth is reflective of the surge in smartphone ownership that has enabled a variety of functions being performed. Pun (2013) conducted consumer survey revealing 71% of people used a smartphone  to access social media.


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Advantages of Online Videos

  • Expands Brand Exposure–  becoming accessible on social networking sites enables for increased reach to consumers due to platforms interlinking. Facebook users can easily share video to  Twitter user leading to increased exposure and  higher chances of video going viral.
  • Higher Position among Search Engines–  Davey (2013) highlights Search engines prioritise video more so than text searches. Due to the high number of generic websites that aren’t differentiated from other media therefore consumers are more likely to be drawn by a video in comparison to text.
  • Cost Effective Easily Measurable–  Due to a video being online they can be viewed for an extended period. Therefore, no extra costs are needed if  business seek to upload the video again. Analytics can be developed to determine the effectiveness of video and how competently a role they are playing in increasing sales.
  • Helps Branding–   Provides a better portrayal of business  and products through verbal communication and physical expression showcasing high brand quality.  A prime example is T- mobile video of mass sing along in Trafalgar Square, which furthered image as an engaging and connected mobile network.





Online videos has seen huge growth over the past five years with this growth predicted to continue therefore implementation of this platform will enable for greater diversity of marketing amongst competitors whilst also improving awareness and engagement of consumers due to the originality and creativity that can be displayed through videos.



Cisco (2013) [Online] http://www.cisco.com/en/US/solutions/collateral/ns341/ns525/ns537/ns705/ns827/white_paper_c11-481360_ns827_Networking_Solutions_White_Paper.html [Accessed 1st May 2015]

Distilled (2013) [Online] https://www.distilled.net/training/video-marketing-guide/.[Accessed 2ns May 2015]

Davet, L (2013) Why it’s vital to add video to your marketing mix.[ Online]https://econsultancy.com/blog/63915-why-it-s-vital-to-add-video-to-your-marketing-mix-2/#comments Accessed 20th March 2015]

ICEF Monitor (2013) Explosive growth of social video opens new channel for student recruiters. [Online]http://monitor.icef.com/2014/03/explosive-growth-of-social-video-opens-new-channel-for-student-recruiters/ Accessed 5th May 2015].

Pun, R (2013) Adobe 2013 mobile consumer survey: 71% of people use mobile to access Social Media. [Online] http://blogs.adobe.com/digitalmarketing/mobile/adobe-2013-mobile-consumer-survey-71-of-people-use-mobile-to-access-social-media/ [Accessed 5th May 2015]

Tremble (2013) Why online video is the future of content marketing [Online] http://www.theguardian.com/small-business-network/2014/jan/14/video-content-marketing-media-online [Accessed 1st May 2015]






Advantages & Disadvantages of Social Media Paid Advertising

Social networking sites play an  ntegral part of individuals day to day life. Signing up to social networking sites is free therefore businesses and individuals can benefit from free advertising in a bid increase their brand awareness and consumer engagement.Lambert (2014) identifies years ago the idea of paid social media would seem pointless due the possibility of one viral campaign attracting thousands of followers/hits. However, know paid social media appears to be the only way to attract members due to the significant content within social networks. Vizu (2013) identifies advertisers have raised their budget towards paid social media  shifting this way from online advertising  due to effectiveness in increasing audiences,

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Advantages of  Social Media Paid

Specification and customizationKvaavik, O’brien, Nguyen (2014) highlight CastroMoto motorcycle enthusiast group aimed to build an online community within  North America. Castro received favourable results however only 20% of audience engagement with were living in North America. As a consequence, they decided to incorporate paid social which lead to new fans reached more than quadrupling. (see here for full report).

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Promoted Posts– Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter all offer advanced posts that operate by business paying a higher fee to have their posts appear more frequently. At the top of individuals news feed providing companies with a better chance to engage with the greater audience. Each social networking sites provided different means of promotion

  • Facebook- Audience & Budget Selection
  • Twitter- Audience, Gender, Interest. Businesses changed corresponding to consumer engagement.
  • LinkedIn- Company Size, job function, job title, etc.

Return on Investment-Paid social can add further development to growth especially successful initiatives are being implemented.


Disadvantages of Social Media Paid

Inconsistency of ServicesNull (2013)  carried out an experiment between five services Google Adwords, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn discovering contrasting results between services highlight difference in generating product/brand exposure.

  • Google Adwords: produced  13,970 impression and 65 click through for $80.74. ($1.24 per click)
  • Facebook: 253,207 impressions and 25 click for $37.70.( $7.30per click)

These two examples reveal a contrasting generation of exposure and follow through with two different price sets for each service and as a result Google Adwords was the most efficient service in generating social activity. This is recognised through the price per click, as Google led to a higher level of engagement from consumer.


Paid social media offer individuals opportunity to add  greater detail  and  focus towards targeting audiences that lead to direct exposure of brand increasing individuals awareness. However, people should be aware of the variety of services that may use due to differences in functionality of services e.g. seeking increase exposure of company is likely to generate greater activity within LinkedIn in comparison to Twitter.


Black, L (2013) 3 Ways Paid Social Ads Can Make Your Content Explode.  [Online] https://www.americanexpress.com/us/small-business/openforum/articles/3-ways-paid-social-ads-can-make-your-content-explode/ [Accessed 5th J Match 2015]

Lambert, J (2014) 3 Things Content Marketers Need to Know About Paid Social. [Online] http://contently.com/strategist/2014/08/07/3-things-content-marketers-need-to-know-about-paid-social/. [Accessed 6th May 2015]

Kiss, J (2014). Facebook’s 10th birthday: from College dorm to 1.23 billion users. [Online] http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/feb/04/facebook-10-years-mark-zuckerberg. Accessed 4th March 2015]

Kvaavik, O’brien, Nguyen (2014) Everything you need to know about Paid Social. Sprinklr.chrome-https://facebookmarketingpartners.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Whitepaper_Everything-You-Need-to-Know-About-Paid-Social.pdf

Null, C. (2013)  Do social media ads really work? We put them to the test! [Online] http://www.techhive.com/article/2030740/do-social-media-ads-really-work-we-put-them-to-the-test-.html. [Accessed 18 March 2015]

Vizu (2013) Paid Social Media Advertising [Online] http://www.nielsen.com/content/dam/corporate/us/en/reports-downloads/2013%20Reports/Nielsen-Paid-Social-Media-Adv-Report-2013.pdf [Accessed 22nd March 2015]

How Sony have Incorparated Social Media

 Mangold & Faulds (2009) identifies social media as new form of online communications which allow engagement between friends, family, businesses. They may discuss/ share a variety of topics from products, issues, brand and personality, etc. De Mers (2014) highlights social media can provide business with a rise in brand recognition and loyalty. Due to the increased visibility offered by this platform organisations automatically become available to all users. As a result possibility of pages being accessed increases that allow for greater interaction between the agency and the user. A report published by Texas Tech revealed individuals companies that are existent within social media have an increased level of brand loyalty. (see here for full report) Jefferson & Traughber (2012) highlights examples of social media tool are social networking sites that range from communication oriented sites e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram to entertainment-oriented such as YouTube, Flickr.

Console Development

Sony have focused massively with the recent launch of the PS4 including controller design as the start button from PS3 has now been replaced with the share button. Which sends users to online global homepage where videos, scores, etc. can be viewed on Facebook Twitter.

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 PS3 Controller                                                              PS4 Controller

Morris (2012) highlights SEC have enabled for a second screen to be synced with PS3. Therefore, individuals will be able to interact with game and individuals on different screen e.g. other can watch you play a game that also may be shared. However, SEC isn’t only console developers incorporating social media both Microsoft and Nintendo 8t generation consoles enable Facebook to be accessed from the console. Showcasing positive trend and popularity social media possess among the gaming community.

Social Networking Sites

Sony  have applied a  variety of social networking sites from interest to Google +. Moth (2013) highlights Sony  have just under 3million likes on Facebook while the PlayStation page has over 6 million likes, The Twitter page have six million followers highlighting the popularity of the Sony Brand. This is supported by the lack of consumer engagement provided by SEC. The PlayStation Facebook and Twitter pages aren’t very engaging as the majority of posts related towards upcoming game releases and products. However, these posts received hundred of retweets and favourites. SEC do maintain engagement with followers and fans. (see image below of Twitter posts).This is crucial as Stavros et al. (2014) highlights interaction enables for effective relationship marketing due to better understanding of fan motivation that results in consumption of products.

 Taylor (2012) emphasizes Sony have been efficient at  using  new social networking sites, in helping them expand social community they have tremendous success using  Pinterest leading to 800% increase in traffic to Sony Web Store. They have been able to achieve this by:

  • Staff personal use of service
  • Research into consumers needs & expectations
  • Original and Creative Content 
  • Promotion of Pinterest boards through variety of online channels


Sony is aware of the popularity and growth of Social Media in today globalised and cosmopolitan society. Through the introduction of their social networking pages providing better accessibility and information about their products. While also incorporating social media within their consoles in a bid to meet individuals rising expectations and desire to engage with their friends.




De Mers, J. (2014) The Top 10 Benefits Of Social Media Marketing. [Online]http://www.forbes.com/sites/jaysondemers/2014/08/11/the-top-10-benefits-of-social-media-marketing/ [Accessed 4th May 2015].

Jefferson III, C, & Traughber, S. (2012). Social Media in Business. How Social Media Can Help Small Businesses and Non-Profit Organizations [Online] http://www.cameron.edu/uploads/f7/63/f7639eea588a5e5a3ccd7d9be0c0fc62/2.pdf.[ Accessed 14th [May 2015]

Mangold, G & Fauilds, D. (2009) Social media: The new hybrid element of the promotion mix. Business Horizons.Vol 52, No 4, p357-365.

Moth, D. (2013) How Sony uses Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+.[Online] https://econsultancy.com/blog/62821-how-sony-uses-facebook-twitter-pinterest-and-google/ [Accessed 5thApril 2015].

Morrris, A (2012) How Social Media Helped Shape The Next Generation of Video Games. [Online]
http://www.business2community.com/social-media/social-media-helped-shape-next-generation-video-games-0878503 [Accesed 5th May 2015]

Stavros, C, Meng, M, Westberg , K & Farrelly.(2014) Understanding fan motivation for interacting on social media. Sport Managment Review, Vol 17, No 4, p457.

Taylor, H (2012) How Sony uses Pinterest to drive traffic [Online]https://econsultancy.com/blog/10080-how-sony-uses-pinterest-to-drive-traffic/[Accessed 4th May 2015]

Email Marketing : Consumer Motivations to pass along email

Email marketing is a valuable marketing strategy that is being implemented by a variety of business e-market.  Offering companies the advantage of reaching a wider audience in a matter of minutes due the increasing number of consumers who access e-mail on mobile phones. Roesler (2014) highlight Forrester Research identified “42% of retailers opened emails now happen on smartphones, up from 28% in 2013. While email open rates on tablets grew from 16% to 17%.” see here for the full study.   Custora (2013) conducted report considering e-commerce customer acquisition revealing an increase in email marketing growth having grown from 0.88%  of customers acquired in 2009 to 6.85% in 2013.  Also production and distribution, costs are low which enables for cost efficient means to target consumers. However, although email marketing offers costs advantage and high access to the user, there are a variety of factors that still need to be considered to execute direct and efficient email marketing campaign.  e.g. personalizing email to recipients can be difficult if recipients only provide a minimum amount of personal information.

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It is of high significance businesses try to identify how consumers motivations are processed. In order encourage users to engage with an email received and pass it along to others. Once individuals motives are determined, email can be designed with an increased chance of them being shared. Ho & Dempsey (2010) determine the people companies should aim to target are e E-marvens these are people who specifically acquire and become engaged with electronic communication channels e.g. email, social media.


Belonging-Schutz (1958) developed a three-dimensional theory of interpersonal communication discovering inclusion and desire to be part of a group, are critical factors to why people forward emails. There is a human desire to “join” groups. This concept is highlighted by Maslow (1999) who identifies belonging is one of the five motivators that are unrelated to financial gains/ rewards as they’re naturally unconscious desires. Phelps et al. (2004) conducted a large degree of primary research with one of the factors identified as to why participants passed on email was to stay relevant and connected to their peer/friendship groups.
Trust– emails forwarded by friends has risen due to the lack of confidence in companies. As a result, individuals have relied on their friends experience and recommendation of specific topics. Friendship maintain personal relationship shared. Therefore, friends will know more about us and have our best interest at heart as opposed to marketers. (see here for previous blog detailing importance of gainers online users trust and permission.)
Entertainment- Rubin, Pearse, Barbato (1988) conducted a phone interview with 28 respondents. The most repetitive answer identified for forwarding email was they’re fun and entertaining e.g. “have a good time ” pep me up”,”help others”.  Further supported by Phelps et al. (2004b) who carried focus groups with 34 participants revealed. Over 50% of email forwarded were relevant to jokes and comedy, interestingly 53.8% email forward were about Games.
These motivators should be considered and discussed by marketers when implementing email marketing. The image below highlight email pass along process. Companies can aim to engage users at the crucial decision point of the process, which may be implemented with motivators identified.

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Stage 2- users more likely to open mail if trust respondent who distributed the message.

Stage 4- users are more likely to forward the message if they find it fun and engaging, something friends would enjoy viewing.

It is crucial to remember application of email marketing to motivators highlighted won’t guarantee forwarding of mail .As all individuals are subjective, therefore desire/willingness of individual can’t be quantified to a strict list of determining factors.





Custora (2013) E-Commerce Customer Acquisition snapshot. [Online]http://blog.custora.com/2013/06/e-commerce-customer-acquisition-snapshot/  ]Accessed 14th March 2015.]

Ho, J. Y, & Dempsey, M. (2010). Viral marketing: Motivations to forward online content.Journal of Business Research, Vol 63, No 9, 1000-1006.

Maslow, A.H (1998) Maslow on Management. New york: John Wiley.

Phelps, J. E, Lewis, R, Mobilio, L, Perry, D, & Raman, N. (2004a). Viral marketing or electronic word-of-mouth advertising: Examining consumer responses and motivations to pass along email. Journal of advertising research, Vol 44, No 4, p333-348.

Phelps, J. E., Lewis, R. Mobilio, L. Perry, D. & Raman, N. (2004b). Viral marketing or electronic word-of-mouth advertising: Examining consumer responses and motivations to pass along email. Journal of advertising research, Vol 44, No 4, p342..

Roesler, P.  (2014) Top 5 Reasons Why Email Marketing Still Works. [Online] http://www.inc.com/peter-roesler/top-5-reasons-why-email-marketing-is-still-works.html. [Accessed 3rd May  2014].

Rubin,R, Pearse, E, Barbato, C. (1988) Conceptualization and measurement of interpersonal communication motives. Human Communication Research. vol 14. No 4, p602-628.

Stutz, W (1958)  FIRO; a three-dimensional theory of interpersonal behavior.Rinehart.

Sony Computer Entertainment: Importance of Permission Marketing

Krishnamurthy (2001) identifies Permission marketing was developed by Seth Godin (1999) detailing that consumers must be contacted and agree to have emails sent to their mailbox from respective companies. Enabling for greater customization of emails, as users will receive emails they have consented and have a particular interest within, as appose to unsolicited messaging e.g. spam. (no consent provided)

Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) are a subsidiary of Sony and have a large online following with over 6million people following their Twitter page and have over 50,000 like on Facebook. Therefore, SCE has a broad audience of consumers who may seek to receive email updates or subscribe to newsletters providing SCE an opportunity to gather personal data to identify customers interests regarding products. However, before any data is collected SCE must obtain consent from consumers agreeing to receive emails/ newsletters failure to do so can lead to email being interpreted as spam. Which although may be cheap and can be distributed to a large number of individuals it is also considered an invasion of privacy. Being labeled as a “spammer” can have detrimental effects on companies brand and reputation.

Brondmo (2002) highlights Amazon were once nicknamed “Spamazon” due to the high amount of unsolicited emails that were sent out to their members. As a result, their members forwarded spam mail to media outlets which resulted in adverse publicity, leading Amazon to change email marketing policies.

The best means to avoid to avoid spam is incorporating opting in and out, two key fundamentals within permission marketing.


Individuals have given their consent for them to receive emails from companies; there are two basic forms of Opt-in- email.

House lists- these are lists of consumers who have opt-in. Lists are generated by companies having received no external support.

Outside lists- which are records of consumers access/consent sold by email marketing companies e.g. Yesmail, Mailchimp.

Chaffey (2013) highlight today users can choose to opt- in through social networks this is effective due to providing users with an increase in communication channels reducing any pressure/ friction. SCE enables individuals to opt in via Social networks which is crucial due to their significant online presence e.g. YouTube, Facebook, etc. Tezinde (2002) highlights businesses can find difficulty in encouraging individuals to opt -in, especially start-ups due to the variety of online relationships already being maintained by users, usually with higher profile companies. However, SEC still entices individuals to sign up to PlayStation Network to receive email updates about exclusive rewards, and competitions. (See image below). Fiore (2001) identifies the best way to to encourage consumers to give permission is to offer incentives such as prizes or loyalty system.

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 Allows consumers to unsubscribe or cancel receiving promotional messages from organisations, it is crucial that users can opt out when they seek.  Companies need to ensure opting out can be quickly understood and activated. Gaudiosi (2014) highlights PlayStation Network online gaming service was hacked in 2011  putting over 100m users personal data at risk, this hack ending up costing Sony $250m. As a result, consumer faith is likely to have fallen into doubt over Sony’s ability to securely store personal data.

Personalisation is crucial to effective email marketing, as once companies have gained consent from individuals, a relationship is being constructed and like any relationship trust is a core concept of getting to learn more about somebody. (see here for more permission marketing campaign examples) Therefore,  trust is a fundamental concept within personalisation. Effective personalization requires users providing personal information to which companies can better understand their interests,  leading to the creation of more memorable, consistent messages. Loss of trust is simply loss of personal data. Data can be gathered through “customer profile ” which include relevant details of customers, enabling more detailed and personalized messaging. SEC have allowed for greater personalisation by focusing on PlayStation devices and services to which individuals are most interested about e.g. PS4, PlayStation Video.

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Permission marketing is crucial in establishing favorable email marketing reputation due to avoidance of pestering unsolicited messages that don’t consider consumers privacy preventing the construction of trustworthy relationship with customers. However, effective Permission marketing isn’t immune to harming buyer relationships as data protection concerns can result in an instability of customer confidence which may lead to users choosing to opt-out.




Brondmo, H (2002) The Eng@ged customer: The rules of the internet direct marketing. London: Piatkus.

Chaffey, D. (2013) 10 permission marketing principles and campaign examples integrating web, email, and social media marketing. [Online] http://www.smartinsights.com/social-media-marketing/social-media-strategy/e-permission-marketing/ [Accessed 4th May 2015]

Gaudiosi, H (2014) Why Sony didn’t learn from its 2011 hack [Online].http://fortune.com/2014/12/24/why-sony-didnt-learn-from-its-2011-hack/ [Accessed 3rd March 2015]

Fiore (2001)  E-marketing Strategies. The Hows and Why of driving  Sales. Through e-commerce- Sell Anything, Anywhere, Anyway, Anytime, at any price. Indianapolis: Que Corporations.

Krishnamurthy, S (2001) A Comprehensive Analysis of Permission Marketing. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. Vol 6, No 2, p5.

Tezinde, T. (2002)  Getting permission: Exploring factors affecting permission marketing. Journal of interactive marketing. vol 16, no 4, p28-36.

Why does Mobile gaming possess threat to Gaming Consoles ?

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Video Games Consoles have seen large leaps in development from the 1970’s to present day. As the introduction of 5th generation consoles such as Sony Playstation, Nintendo 64,  and Sega Saturn, brought a new level of sophistication to home video games. Wolf (2013) highlights evolution has been present in the gaming industry throughout  the past four decades as arcade games had once been dominant during the 70’s and 80’s however suffered from the introduction of 5th generation video consoles during the 90’s as arcade developers found  difficulty  in duplicating features in the home e.g. moving cockpit, ski’s etc.

During the 2000’s with the demise of Sega who suffered financial difficulties and weren’t able to offer similar gaming standards as competitors. Donovan (2010)  identifies Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo were still thriving and remaining relevant through console development. Offering consumers increased gaming interaction and engagement  e.g. introduction of multimedia by PS3 & Xbox 360 and body motion gaming by Wii . Today 8th generation video consoles Playstation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Wii U, dominate the market.

Growth of Mobile Gaming

There has been significant growth among  the mobile gaming market, New Zoo (2013) highlight the mobile market is set to double to $23.Billion this is through an increase in the number of people playing mobile games and average spend per game. See here for full infographics.

Needleman (2015)  identifies U.S revenue spent among apps through downloads and in-app purchases are predicted to increase by 16.5%  to $3 billion in 2015. In comparison to other segments of app market e.g. music and video which are predicted to rise by 5.4% and 13.8%. see here for the full study. This demonstrates the positive and rapid growth of mobile gaming and massive appeal they possess amongst consumers.  Parrish (2012) highlights Sony Computer Entertainment identified growth of mobile market through the launch of Playstation Mobile in 2011  which enabled users to play games on smartphone however Sony have struggled implementing popular franchises and incorporating same online community to which is existent within gaming consoles.


Accessibility-Mobile games are available through  smartphones and tablets which have become an integral part  of individuals day to day life e.g. messaging, internet use, gaming etc. therefore having portable  direct access to games provides quick and easy use, as opposed to consoles which need to be played within a fixed location and require a longer  start up time. Hazelwood  (2013) highlights the largely reduced waiting time is a large incentive among individuals with busy schedules. Whilst the variety of games available means a wide audience can be targeted something which consoles may struggle with due to focused target market e.g. PS4 is positioned as a hardcore gamer’s’ console.

Competitive Advantage-Mobile games possess a  competitive advantage in regards to accessibility on smartphones. Porter (1980) identifies through his five forces model substitutes products which are cheaper than industry products leads to an increased threat of substitutes which can negatively affect company’s profitability. In this scenario mobile games are considerably  priced cheaper than consoles games, therefore revenue generated from mobile gaming could have possibly been spent on consoles online network (Playstation Network & Xbox Live Arcade) e.g. purchase songs, videos, in games add-ons etc, thus affecting profitability.

Freemium –This is a concept which has been popular among mobile games consumers who purchase games for free but later pay small fees which enable them to access increased content e.g. characters, maps, upgrades. Tassi (2012) highlights this has been popular among consumers due to paying considerably less in comparison to console games e.g. Call of Duty (COD)  disk can cost as much as £40 whereas mobile first person shooting games would be free with small fee usually £1-£5 for additional features. In addition freemium is not occurring with all mobile games, therefore consumers can download certain games completely free.

User Generated Content (UGC)– Due to the accessibility of a wide variety of function on smartphones. Consumers have both access to social media and games. Therefore, this availability enables individual to post performance/opinions of gaming experience within social media e.g. Facebook, Twitter which is considerably quicker to navigate between pages in comparison to console gaming.

Povarchik (2013) highlights UGC allows online community to view and engage with content posted. Successful mobile games which incorporated UGC were Candy Crush, Draw Something which were simple platform games that gained worldwide attention. The availability of these games across all mobile smartphones with no download fee meant no consumer was isolated from playing games.


Signs of evolution which occurred during fall of arcade gaming are existent within video game consoles e.g. popular games which generations grew up playing that create a sensation of nostalgia are now being reintroduced into mobile gaming formats. e.g. street fighter, fifa series. Gaudiosi (2015) highlight New Zoo chief Executive Peter Warman predicts during 2015  mobile gaming revenue ($30.3billion) will overpass console gaming revenue ( $26.4billion). However this is not to say video games consoles are becoming extinct due to the popularity of big franchises e.g. Call of Duty, Madden, Fifa Series, etc. Swider (2013)  identifies Sony have combined both elements of mobile and console gaming having developed new software, which enables for console controllers to be synced and played on Xperia smartphones via Bluetooth. Therefore growth of new markets doesn’t simply provide negative consequences, also enables opportunity for more creative risks to be explored increasing innovative creations.



Donovan,T. (2010) Replay: the history of video games. East Sussex: Yellow Ant.

Gaudiosi,J.(2015) Mobile gaming revenue set to overtake console games in 2015.http://fortune.com/2015/01/15/mobile-console-game-revenues-2015/[ Accessed 5th April 2015]

Hazelwood,S.(2013) Mobile Gaming:It’s here to stay.[Online] http://www.bigfishgames.com/blog/mobile-gaming-it%E2%80%99s-here-to-stay/ [Accessed 4th April 2015].

Needleman,S. (2015) Mobile-Games Revenue Growth Is Outpacing Other Content, for Now. [Online] http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2015/02/18/mobile-games-revenue-growth-is-outpacing-other-content-for-now/  [Accessed 9th April 2015.]

New Zoo (2013) Infographic: Mobile games market to double in size until 2016 and reach $23.9BN.[Online]http://www.newzoo.com/insights/infographic-mobile-games-market-to-double-in-size-until-2016-and-reach-23-9bn/#Rcz0Kx4ZTj9Itu7O.99http://www.newzoo.com/insights/infographic-mobile-games-market-to-double-in-size-until-2016-and-reach-23-9bn/ [Accessed 23rd March 2015.]

Parrish,K.  (2012). Hands-on: Sony Finally Launches PlayStation Mobile. [Online] http://www.tomsguide.com/us/PlayStation-Mobile-Xperia-PlayStation-Vita-preview-review,news-16127.html [Accessed 5th April 2015].

Porter, M.E. (1980) Competitive Strategy.New York: Free Press.

Povarchik, R.(2013) The game is you: 5 mobile games that leverage user generated content. [Online]. http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/the-game-is-you-5-mobile-games-that-leverage-user-generated-content/ [Accessed 9th April 2015]

Swider, M. (2013) Your Sony phone could soon have DualShock controller support. [Online]. http://www.techradar.com/news/phone-and-communications/mobile-phones/sony-xperia-phones-could-see-dualshock-3-controller-support-1143574. [Accessed 4th March 2015]

Tassi,P. (2012) How mobile Games are big business. [Online]. http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2012/04/19/how-mobile-games-are-big-business/ Accesssed 10th April 2015.

Wolf, M.J.P (Ed.) (2008) The video games explosion: a history from pong to Playstation  and beyond. Connecticut: Greenwood Press.


