Ammendment of module

Minor changes to the assessment profile of the course were made at the validation committee, with the result that for MDM 149 (Feedback and Debriefing) a portfolio of experience will have to completed detailing participant’s teaching, reflection and peer observation of any SBME in their teaching role. This will replace the original assessment format (essay & reflective piece).

For those who have already attended the module during 2015 further information will be sent to you individually.


ASPIH Conference 2015 Brighton Centre

The local organising group will be meeting with members of the executive committee later this week in Brighton to finalise some of the arrangements for the November conference. We will be contacting local experts in SBME to participate as facilitators for the abstract sessions. Contact Andy Collins if you are interested.


Conference News at Brighton & Sussex Medical School

Registration is now open for the Annual Health Conference, “Innovating Clinical Practice” at BSMS on Thursday 3rd December, 2015.

Key Note Speakers will be Professor Val Wass OBE, Emeritus Professor of Medical Education and Professor Elizabeth Hughes, Director of education and Health Education (London and South East).

For Further information please email

Human Factors Workshop: Student Evaluation (1st July ’15)

The ‘Human Factors in Simulation Based Education‘ Workshop took place on the 1st July 2015 with practitioners from a variety of backgrounds attending.

Those attending provided qualitative and quantitative feedback; a selection of the former are shown below.

“Excellent identification of key issues – all explored with relevant examples”

“Very thought provoking with applicability to all clinical areas”

“This was excellent – an informative day which has given me a lot of ‘food for thought'”

Also shown below is a figure with the collated quantitative feedback scores, rated on a Likert Scale, for the sessions delivered during the day.


Forthcoming MSc in Clinical Education

A new MSc is currently being validated within the Division of Medical Education which will include optional modules involving SBME (which are part of the PG Cert in Simulation in Clinical Practice).

Further updates will be posted as they are announced. For more information on the course, please contact Zoë Gallagher, Programme Administrator.

Human Factors Workshop

Following the successful delivery of the Feedback and Debriefing workshop in March, we are running another one-day workshop for all members of the NHS workforce and those with an interest in Postgraduate education focusing on ‘Human Factors in Simulation Based Education’, and how to address them in healthcare education.

The workshop will be held at Mayfield House, University of Brighton on the 1st July 2015, 9.15am – 4.30pm. Limited funded places on the course (usually costing £130) are currently available.

If you would like to book a place on the workshop, or if you have any questions, please contact Andrew Collins.

PG Cert validation progress

Good news!

The PG Cert in Simulation in Clinical Practice has gained Stage 2 approval from the validation board at the university. This means that the course now one final stage to go through, ‘conjoined validation’, prior to gaining full PG Cert status. This is due to take place over the summer of 2015 and is expected to be completed without any issues. Following this, the course will be due to officially run as a full PG Cert from September 2015.

The first module, Principles & Practice of Simulation, will run from 16th – 20th November 2015, with further modules due to run in early 2016. For any further information regarding the course, please visit the PG Cert webpage here.

Call for work from local trusts for ASPiH Conference

ASPiH (Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare) are currently calling for any practitioners or students from local trusts/HEIs to submit work to be showcased during the early parts of their 6th annual national conference taking place in the Brighton Centre from 3rd – 5th November 2015.

ASPiH’s intention is to showcase local work during the beginning of the conference by way of a number of possible layouts, E.g. a short presentation followed by a discussion, or an interactive workshop. Local work is being selected to exhibit work done locally to national bodies to help forge further professional relationships.

If you are from a local trust/HEI and have suitable work that you feel other practitioners would benefit from, please contact Dr Wesley Scott-Smith to discuss your work’s suitability for showcasing further.

For further information on the conference, and information on registering, please visit the ASPiH website here.

New Modular Dates

The dates for modules ‘Principles & Practice of Simulation‘ and ‘Feedback & Debriefing in Simulation‘ have now been finalised.

Module Course Dates
Principles & Practice of Simulation 16th – 20th  November 2015 OR 25th – 29th April 2016
Feedback and Debriefing in Simulation 11th – 13th January & 5th April 2016 OR 23rd – 25th May & 12th July 2016

These sessions will run in Mayfield House room 343, University of Brighton, Falmer Campus.

For further information on the content of the modules and how to apply, visit our dedicated webpage here.

Feedback and Debriefing in Simulation Based Education Workshop: Student Evaluation (25th March ’15)

The ‘Feedback and Debriefing in Simulation Based Education‘ Workshop took place on the 25th March 2015 with 14 practitioners from a variety of backgrounds attending.

Those attending provided qualitative and quantitative feedback; a selection of the former are shown below.

“Thought the use of the website was a great idea – learnt a lot from watching the scenarios and how reflection by the observer can draw out needs/analysis and how to use this in the following discourse.”

“Brilliant – allowed exposure to participate which makes connection to clinical experience & reduced the myths of how challenging debrief is.”

“Excellent day. As a junior in this field I learnt a great deal from faculty & colleagues. Thanks”

Also shown is a figure with the collated quantitative feedback scores, rated on a Likert Scale, for the sessions delivered during the day.
