Principles & Practice of Simulation

With 1 week to go until the Principles & Practice of Simulation module is delivered, we’re still happy to accept any late applications to join those already enrolled.

With exciting sessions timetables at the University of Brighton and Royal Alexandra Childrens’ Hospital, we’re hopeful the module will improve on the excellent feedback we received when the module was first delivered in December.

If you are interested in applying, or would like  more information, please contact Andrew Collins.

ASPiH Conference update

The final programme for the conference in the Brighton Centre will be available today through the ASPiH website (see link on the front page). Instructions for presenters in workshops will be provided directly in due course.


The first meeting of the BSMS TEL group was convened on October 1st with the aim of bringing together various work streams across the undergraduate & postgraduate programmes, and to facilitate strategic planning, sharing resources and launching initiatives. The meeting was chaired by Professor Gordon Ferns with Jil Fairclough as deputy chair.

Reports of activities were shared across areas such as Anatomy Teaching, Mobile Medical Education (MoMed), Clinical & Professional Studies Online, SBME, e-portfolios, and the new online formulary (Smart Drug).

The group will meet quarterly.


Spaces on modules

As the summer break draws to an end, we’re fast approaching the next delivery of the Principles & Practice of Simulation module. If you’re interested in attending this or subsequent modules at the Sussex Simulation Hub, there are still spaces available for the modules developed for the PG Cert in Simulation in Clinical Practice.

Principles & Practice of Simulation:
16th – 20th November 2015 OR 25th – 29th April 2016
Feedback & Debriefing in Simulation:

11th – 13th Jan & 5th Apr 2016 OR 23rd – 25th May & 12th July 2016

Prospective students may be eligible for a HE-KSS grant to cover the cost of the modules. For more information regarding grants, please contact Rebecca Burden, Programme Manager for TEL at HE-KSS.

For more information regarding the PG Cert and modules, visit the PG Cert webpage here, or contact Andrew Collins.

Conjoined Validation

The final part of the validation process for the PG Cert will be completed in September 2015, and from then onwards applicants should no longer use the single module forms, unless they intend to complete a single module for CPD purposes.


ASPiH Conference 2015

The 6th annual ASPiH (Association of Simulation Practitioners in Healthcare) conference is due to be held at the Brighton Conference Centre from the 3rd – 5th November 2015. In addition, the Sussex Simulation Hub are pleased to have been asked to assist as part of the Local Organising Committee for the conference.

ASPiH are currently accepting abstracts for oral and poster presentations regarding the use of standardised patients and patient simulators, virtual reality or computer-based simulations, task trainers and any other innovative learning technologies as examples of work they are interested in exhibiting. The final day to submit abstracts is the 30th May 2015.

For further information and to register for the conference, please visit the ASPiH website here.

Upcoming Feedback and Debriefing Workshop

We are running a one-day workshop; ‘Feedback and Debriefing in Healthcare‘, for all members of the NHS workforce involved or interested in Post Graduate Education.

The workshop will run on the 25th March 2015, 9.15am – 4.30pm, and limited funded places on the course (usually costing £130) are currently available.

For further information, please contact Andrew Collins.

Places on modules in 2015

The Feedback and Debriefing module (MDM149) begins on January 19th in Mayfield House, University of Brighton, and commisioned places are still available.  Please use the single module application form as outlined in the applications for study section on this site, and email to Zoe Gallagher ( )

Modular news

The first module (Principles and Practice) ran sucessfully in early December with very positive feedback from the participants, who were mainly from the acute care sector. Thank you to all who contributed to the teaching, workshops and demonstrations! This module will run twice in 2015 and the dates will be posted soon.

We hope that members of the community based workforce will also be able to access the modules when study leave is decided in the Spring.

The Debriefing and Feedback module commences in 2015 on January 19/20/21st, with a further date on March 12th for presentations of work based projects.
