Simulation Meeting with BSUHT

11th December, 2019
Meeting of BSMS team with BSUHT at the Royal Alexander Children’s Hospital chaired by Dr Cassie Lawn
Present. Dr Cassie Lawn, Dr W Scott-Smith, Alex Saunders, David Halliwell, Dr Nick Tovell, Jo Emery, Heidi Caisley,
Apologies: Jo Lawrence

MDM148 Timing for 2020-21

Following student feedback from the current cohort it has been suggested that better alignment with clinical practice posts could be achieved by moving the timing of MDM148 back in the calendar to October.

Course dates will be confirmed in the summer of 2020.



Course development

Alongside the recomissioning of the Sussex Simulation Hub we are pleased to announce that it is our intention to develop our successful  PG Cert into an option to study for a PG Diploma in Simulation, and also a full Masters degree. We are hoping that the validation process will be ready for the beginning of the 2020-21 academic year assuming all goes well.

In conjunction with our colleagues at the local trust (BSUHT) we will be developing a new module covering “in-situ” simulation in the acute trust settings. This reflects current trends in developing and implementing the in-situ method to explore new ways of working using a simulation-based approach.
