Peer Observation of Teaching Workshop

Following the successful delivery of our previous workshops at the Sussex Simulation Hub, we’re now taking bookings for a third workshop on December 8th at Mayfield House, UoB, focusing on Peer Observation of Teaching in healthcare and healthcare education.

Spaces are filling up fast, so if interested, please contact Andrew Collins.

Limited funded spaces are currently available (usual price £130).

Principles & Practice of Simulation

With 1 week to go until the Principles & Practice of Simulation module is delivered, we’re still happy to accept any late applications to join those already enrolled.

With exciting sessions timetables at the University of Brighton and Royal Alexandra Childrens’ Hospital, we’re hopeful the module will improve on the excellent feedback we received when the module was first delivered in December.

If you are interested in applying, or would like  more information, please contact Andrew Collins.