The Feedback and Debriefing module (MDM149) begins on January 19th in Mayfield House, University of Brighton, and commisioned places are still available. Please use the single module application form as outlined in the applications for study section on this site, and email to Zoe Gallagher ( )
Monthly Archives: December 2014
Quality Ward Round Programme
How can you make your round most effective for the patient?
PG Cert in Simulation
Delivered at Masters Level, this PG Cert is suitable for those regularly involved in simulation based education in the workplace.
Modular news
The first module (Principles and Practice) ran sucessfully in early December with very positive feedback from the participants, who were mainly from the acute care sector. Thank you to all who contributed to the teaching, workshops and demonstrations! This module will run twice in 2015 and the dates will be posted soon.
We hope that members of the community based workforce will also be able to access the modules when study leave is decided in the Spring.
The Debriefing and Feedback module commences in 2015 on January 19/20/21st, with a further date on March 12th for presentations of work based projects.