Category Research Projects

Selection of research projects from Centre members, research updates and work in progress.
More information can be found on our website and staff pages.

Research projects| ‘From drawing matter to touching matter. A reflexion about soil. Part 2’ by Arabel Lebrusan

By Arabel Lebrusan Extractivist Soil   For the second part of my Visiting Fellowship research — (see the first part here)—  my intention was to explore if handling soil/toxic soil would activate individuals. In the context of “vibrant matter” (Jane… Continue Reading →

Research | Frozen Future: making connections with anti-extractivist researchers and activists

Image: ‘Observing Extraction’. Photograph of Xavier Ribas and Ignacio Acosta at work, which gives a glimpse of the scale of lithium mining (photo: Louise Purbrick) by Louise Purbrick Frozen Future is the shortened title of Solid Water, Frozen Time, Future Justice,… Continue Reading →

Work in Progress | January 2022 Travis Van Isacker – Environmental racism in the borderland: the case of Calais

SECP member Travis Van Isacker shares his research, adapted here from his doctoral thesis ‘Counter-mapping citizenship: bordering through domicide in Calais, France’ (2020). This year Travis will join Migration Mobilities Bristol as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the ‘Moving’ domain of… Continue Reading →

Work in Progress | January 2022 Sean Heath – Reflections on Covid: Sensing the Environment in Outdoor Swimming

SECP PhD researcher Sean Heath reflects on his experience during the COVID-19 pandemic In the post-covid era where close quarter indoor contact, particularly in sports has been nearly entirely nulled, outdoor physical activity has seen a large uptake. Individual pursuits… Continue Reading →

Research Update | Andrea García González, ESRC Postdoctoral fellowship

CentreSECP postdoctoral fellow, Andrea García González reports on activities carried out during her recent ESRC Postdoctoral fellowship   ESRC Postdoctoral fellowship at CentreSECP as collective work: a spark of light in the pandemic dark A snowball of connections rolling through… Continue Reading →

Research project updates | DeCol collective, Generation Rewild…

September 2021 The DeCol Collective Dr Rajapillai and Dr Velickovic co-founded the DeCol Collective with undergraduate students (Hannah Francis, Rebecca Inniss, Annabelle Detain, Mia Henderson and Misti Lekimenju) in the School of Humanities in 2019. Over the last 3 years,… Continue Reading →

Research Project | Acts of Transfer – A collaboration between artist and SECP member Katy Beinart (UoB) and art writer Lizzie Lloyd (UWE)

Research project | Wastes and Strays: the past, present and future of English urban commons

Research Project | “The Materialisation of Persuasion”

Research Project | Social Policy in Conflict-Affected Contexts

Research Project | Student research project on immigration detention

As a university Centre of Research and Enterprise Excellence we are keen to support and strengthen our collaborations with student researchers at all stages of their studies. This year, we were proud to offer a student research internship that enabled… Continue Reading →

Research Project | Sounds to Keep: Moving community-university knowledge exchange online

Sounds to Keep: Moving community-university knowledge exchange online In this time of social distancing, it is imperative that we keep connected across institutional boundaries and bring different knowledges, practices and experiences to bear on the challenges we face. But how… Continue Reading →

Research project | Imagining zero-carbon economies of the future through art

The ‘System Change HIVE’ is a unique creative arts collaboration that brings together artists, communicators, researchers and mentors to explore, challenge, imagine and help create zero-carbon and socially just visions of the future through the use of art, Virtual Reality… Continue Reading →

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