“Mapping gaps and building bridges”: a “Hackathon” workshop with Dr Adi Kuntsman


Fri 16 June 9.00am -12.00 midday, Grand Parade, Room G4, University of Brighton

Hosted by Dr Adi Kuntsman (Manchester Metropolitan University) is a Visiting Research Fellow in the Centre for Spatial, Environmental and Cultural Politics (University of Brighton)


Focusing upon the topic of decolonisation and decarbonisation of digital futures, the aim of this half day workshop is to address, and move beyond, the current gaps and silences around digital environmental harms. The workshop will be a space to think more openly and creatively about the terms used to build a body of emerging academic, activist, and public conversations, in the absence of a clear and commonly agreed language to describe digital environmental impacts. Using the model of a “Hackathon” as a form of knowledge co-production, the workshop will allow participants to develop conceptual and methodological solutions for bringing decolonisation and decarbonisation frameworks together, in relation to digital technologies and the environment.

The workshop is aimed at PhD students and researchers, working in the following areas: climate justice, green futures, environmental sustainability; digital and climate communication: extractivist politics and activism; and environmental racism. If possible, it is recommended that workshop participants also attend the public talk on June 15th.

After the Hackathon, interested participants will be invited to submit a short reflective piece for consideration for inclusion in an edited collection, ‘Challenging Digital Environmental Harms: speculative design, knowledge co-production and policy interventions’ (provisional title), co-edited by, Adi Kuntsman, Dany Cookney and Beth Senior, under consideration by Emerald book series, “Digital Materialities, Sustainable Futures”.

Image credit: Adi Kunstmaan

Event Details

From 9:00AM to 12:00PM


University Of Brighton, Grand Parade, Room G4 Brighton, BN2 0JG