Collaborative writing and feminist practice workshop

Join this workshop to explore practices of collaborative writing with CSECP post-doc Dr Elona Hoover, who will share feminist writing practices from her doctoral thesis – practices of involving the reader, working on style to convey affect, and sampling to create poetic compositions. Elona will share experiences of feminist collaborative writing from a recent article on discomfort, co-written with former ESRC-funded SECP postdoctoral fellow Andrea García-González, and three other authors (Athanasia (Nancy) Francis, Kayla Rush and Ana María Forero Angel), published in the journal Feminist Anthropology.

The workshop will be a chance to:

  • Share examples of collective and collaborative writing practices
  • Explore the connections with feminist practice
  • Experiment with different forms of writing in relation to participants’ own work

Participants are welcome to bring work in progress or examples of collaborative writing they would like to share.

The workshop is open to university and community researchers, with a warm invitation to doctoral students from across disciplines and at any stage in their research.

This free event will be held online – booking required for online registration via

Thanks to the University of Brighton’s Centre for Spatial, Environmental and Cultural Politics and the School of Applied Sciences for their support.

Photo by Daniel Álvasd on Unsplash