Centre for Spatial, Environmental and Cultural Politics


September 2021

Research project updates | DeCol collective, Generation Rewild…

September 2021 The DeCol Collective Dr Rajapillai and Dr Velickovic co-founded the DeCol Collective with undergraduate students (Hannah Francis, Rebecca Inniss, Annabelle Detain, Mia Henderson and Misti Lekimenju) in the School of Humanities in 2019. Over the last 3 years,… Continue Reading →

Research News | September 2021 Eco-action in Chichester Harbour; undercover policing; sustainable drainage and more…

Andrew Coleman researches sustainable drainage systems Andrew Coleman was part of a HR Wallingford-led team that was reviewing non-statutory technical standards for Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) and to develop draft standards that will help to deliver multiple benefits such as… Continue Reading →

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