Centre for Spatial, Environmental and Cultural Politics


December 2018

Event | Vegan Narratives and Storytelling: A Critical Assessment in the Spaces of ‘Post-Activism’ Workshop

Co-hosted and co-funded by MeCCSA, Centre for Spatial, Environmental and Cultural Politics and the University of ReadingUniversity of Brighton, Friday 7th December 2018 Over the last few years, veganism as a diet and practice has increasingly become part of mainstream… Continue Reading →

Event | CFP: Human and non-human migration and mobility symposium

Migration and Mobility Programme SECP Centre for Spatial, Environmental and Cultural Politics University of Brighton, 25 March 2019 CFP deadline: 20 January 2018 Migrations and mobility related to conflicts, large-scale urbanization, climate-change, environmental degradation, and vast economic inequalities between the… Continue Reading →

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