Sound Reasoning: a journey through the soundscapes and landscapes of Britain’s Reggae Sound Systems.
Two seminars hosted by the Centre for Spatial, Environmental and Cultural Politics
Tuesday 15 May 2018
University of Brighton, Room 102, Edward Street (City Campus)

Jessus James Augustus – Sir Coxsone Outernational Sound System Engineer, Designer and Record Producer, 1979 to 1995.
Anna Arnone – Documentary photojournalist, author and publisher of Sound Reasoning images and interview extracts from her 1980’s archive.

Seminar 1: Life in a Reggae Sound System
15.00 – 16.30

Please come and join us for a journey into reggae, rhythm, and resistance! Life on a Reggae Sound System – the first part of a pair of related talks by Jessus James Augustus and Anna Arnone – explores the practical aspects of working in and running a Reggae Sound System, and the ways in which this important subculture has been recorded and documented. It will focus on areas such as: how Sound Systems operate, the processes of music re/production, how these Sound Systems provided the basis for the black musical cultures of contemporary Britain, and how a vibrant music scene is captured in documentary journalism. This seminar is aimed at students – especially those interested in media, digital sound, arts, journalism, photography, cultural studies, sociology and oral history – but is open to all and everyone is very welcome.

  • This event is free, booking can be done here
  • There is a break of one hour between the seminars. Those attending both/either will have a chance to continue the conversations and check out Sound Reasoning, the book, (which will be available to purchase) over free refreshments.

Seminar 2: Tales from the Reggae Dancehall

Please come and join us for a journey into reggae, rhythm, and resistance! This talk – the second part of a pair of related talks by Jessus James Augustine and Anna Arnone – focuses on the social, cultural and historical aspects of running and listening to Reggae Sound Systems in Britain. It will focus on areas such as: how and why Sound Systems originated and were set up by Caribbean people who came to the UK, where they played out, the significance of the spaces used as Dancehalls, the politics of race, class and sex, and the role of music in cultural resistance. This seminar is open to all and everyone is very welcome.

  • This event is free, refreshments provided. Booking can be done here
  • Please notice, everyone is very welcome at both events but separate booking is required. 
  • IMAGE: Sir Coxsone Outernational and other Sounds Stringing the Sounds for a session at Brixton Town Hall c.1982 ©️Anna Arnone

We hope that you can join us for one or both talks!