About Patricia Prieto Blanco
Patricia works as a Senior Lecturer at the School of Media, University of Brighton. Her areas of expertise are visual methodologies, photography and migration. Her research focuses on social uses of images, whereby she places special emphasis on exploring pictorial mediations of (dis)affect and kinship. As an advocate of interdisciplinary, participatory and practice-based research, she regularly collaborates with colleagues outside of the UK, most recently as International Advisor for two research projects: Post-Photography (University of Luzern, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation) and What’s in the App? Digitally-mediated communication within contemporary multilingual families across time and space (University of Jyväskylä, funded by the Academy of Finland). Patricia is the technology advisor at IVSA (International Visual Sociology Association) and a member of DFG research network "Transformative Bildlichkeit: Zum Spannungsfeld von Bild und Gesellschaft" [Transformative representativeness: areas of conflict between images and society].