The consequences of Sexting!

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You should never think lightly about Sexting, whether it be a pic,video or a text message. there is always the possibility of your messages falling into the wrong hands. Even if they are messages that have been sent to you!

Your trust in the recipient may be abused!

Your messages could be sent to others or posted on social media. This could be seen by many people you know like; family, friends and even people you may not know, which is even more terrifying.

In the past many people have sent these types of messages thinking that they could trust the people they have sent it to. But when that trust was abused it leaves the victim with a lot more than just embarrassment to deal with.

Many victims will also suffer from abusive comments regarding the image/video/message that had been sent.for example people could comment about;

  • How the victim should kill or hurt themselves.
  • They are ugly.
  • Say that no one likes them.
  • Their families will be disgusted and disown them.
  • They will never find anyone to love them.
  • ETC.

All of these comments can have devastating effect on the victims and their families, not just physically but mentally as well.

So please! Do not let yourself become a victim. Always think before you send!

Has this ever happened to anyone you know?

Would you have ever considered the possibility that this could happen to you?

Do you think people consider the consequences before they send these types of messages? 

Leave your answers in the comments!!

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