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A visual guide to Schwartz Rounds, set out as a timeline
A visual guide to Schwartz Rounds, created by 2nd year nursing student Kit.

Schwartz Round Step-by-step Guide Brighton version

Audio Guide

You can also listen to our audio guide to Schwartz Rounds, produced by 2nd year nursing student Kit. This guide provides another way to find out information about Rounds:

Accessibility and content notes for Schwartz Rounds

We want our Schwartz Rounds to be accessible for everyone who wants to attend Rounds.

At our in-person Rounds, the venues on campus are fully accessible. If you have specific needs for the venue, please get in contact with us.

If you feel the need to bring a comforter or fidget item to a Round, please do so. If you need to physically move around the space, this is ok too. However, we ask that mobile phones are not used during the Round for any reason.

The Rounds will include conversations about the emotional aspects of working in healthcare. This might include feelings about joy, pride and connection with others. This might also include feelings of sadness, grief, frustration, guilt, regret and anger. Click on the  ‘Previous Rounds’ to read a summary of what has been shared previously.

The emotions shared at the Round depend on how individual storytellers share thier stories, and what people in the audience choose to share in the discussion. Therefore, this can be unpredictable. If you require specific content information about the stories in the Round, please ask the facilitators in advance of the Round by emailing us at .

You can choose to share your thoughts and feelings in the discussion, or you can choose to listen. However you choose to experience the Round is ok and there are no expectations from the facilitators.

If you feel you need to leave at any time, a member of our team will come out to check if you are okay or need support. We might suggest that you seek support from your Personal Academic Tutor or SSGTs (Student support and guidance tutors) if required.