Previous Rounds

Here is a short summary of the stories we told and the conversations we shared at our Schwartz Rounds. Reading these may help to give you an idea of what happens at Rounds and the discussions we have.

  • Theme ‘a placement I’ll never forget’ (06.03.25) Pop-up round for first year occupational therapy students. We told stories about feeling vulnerable on placement and the transitions of team membership. We shared feelings of managing our sensory-overwhelm in clients homes, of feeling on the edge of a team, and of feeling frightened when dysregulated behaviours escalate. We talked about the supportive role of peers, and how reflection can help us to explore these emotions.
  • Theme ‘communication matters’ ( online 04.02.25). We told stories about forgetting to communicate with patients, about communication to escalate concerns, and about the pressure of being the only person in a team that a patient can communicate with. We shared reflections about holding our intentions and learning from mistakes, about the weight of responsibility and trying to be perfect, and about our role as advocates for people. We described communication as essential as breathing, which is rarely noticed until there is something wrong.
  • Pop-Up Round for first year nursing students: theme ‘the patient I’ll never forget’ (22.01.25) . We told stories about the impact patients have on us and taking the time to give excellent personal care at the end of life. We shared feelings about seeking human connections, about finding the time to be compassionate, and about the weight of our responsibility and accountability. We discussed the conflict between wanting to give humanistic care, and demands on our time from workloads and staffing levels.
  • Theme ‘working through celebrations’ (10.12.24) at Falmer. We shared stories about hosting a celebration for healthcare students in Bethlehem during conflict, about caring for a critically ill mother on Christmas Eve, and about leaving our own families to care for others during celebrations. We reflected on the emotional labour we give to patients, on the guilt of leaving our own families behind whilst we work, and on the risks we take to bring joy to others.
  • Theme ‘going through change’ (24.10.24) at Falmer. We shared a story from a biomedical scientist changing career direction, from a pharmacy student recognising a desire to study nursing instead, and from a registered nurse in the Royal Navy who talked about how changes in training and deployment have shaped her personally. We shared reflections on being true to ourselves and our passions, the challenges of parental expectations, and on resilience in the face of failure. We shared feelings of frustration and disappointment, of bravery and courage, and of hope and commitment.
  • Theme ‘the other side of the bed’ (05.06.24) in Eastbourne. We shared a story about caring for a grandparent at the end of their life, from a healthcare professional’s perspective. We shared feelings of loneliness, grief and also distance from grief. We also talked about self-protective behaviours, about checking in with patients and relatives, and challenged the presumption that healthcare professionals can emotionally regulate their own grief.
  • Theme ‘the other side of the bed’ (15.05.24) – we shared stories from the healthcare professional perspective, about receiving a diagnosis and being at a parent’s bedside in ITU. We shared experiences of hyper-vigilance and insight from our professional roles, and expressed feelings of fear if we say the ‘wrong’ thing. We also talked about the power of humour in intense emotional situations to forge relationships with people, and the risk involved to say something funny.
  • Theme ‘covid-19 and me’ (21.03.24) – we shared stories about shielding to protect loved ones, about changes to our clinical roles, and the anxiety of being new in role when the pandemic arrived. We shared feelings of loneliness and isolation, of feeling guilty about decisions, and the fear of the unknown aspects of the virus. We talked about the fear and challenges of rapidly changing guidance and how teams came together to support each other.
  • Theme ‘raising a concern’ (21.02.24) – we shared stories about escalating concerns and about receiving and responding to concerns. We talked about feelings of carrying the burden of responsibility, about self doubt, and about finding the courage to speak up. We also shared feelings of relief, of confidence grown from sharing, and the joy of finding resolutions.
  • Theme ‘my first…’ (05.12.23) – we shared stories about a first experience in a mental health care setting, about the first time advocating for a patient, and about the first-time-in-a-long-time caring for someone in a hospice. We shared feelings about facing the unknown in the covid-19 pandemic, about finding the courage and strength to speak up, and reflections on how much has improved over the years.
  • Theme ‘my first…’ (14.11.23) – we shared stories about the first weeks of being a registered health professional, and about  a first experience of witnessing death. We talked about feelings of personal growth and finding our voice, about finding compassion and comfort in end of life care, and about the privilege of caring for people and their families at their most vulnerable.
  • Theme ‘a day in the life’ (24.05.23) – we shared stories about how a midwife caught a hot baby, about witnessing the relationship difficulties of people in our care, and about being a novice in a team of experienced professionals. We shared feelings about connecting with our professions, about the power of human connections and about finding our professional identity.
  • Theme ‘a day in the life’ (10.05.23) – we shared stories about placement experiences from student perspectives, about anger when we disagree with a patient’s decision, and about asserting ourselves. We shared feelings about rising up against belittling behaviour, about growing confidence in our professions, and about finding empathy for those who make different choices.
  • Theme ‘I took a risk’ (08.02.23) – we shared stories about weddings on the ward, about dogs visiting ITU and taking patients on trips outdoors. We shared feelings about being bold, finding courage to do the right thing, and celebrating the joy in our roles.
  • Theme ‘the patient I’ll never forget‘ (29.11.22) – we told stories about the patients who taught us the most, and about the patients who changed who we are as practitioners. We shared feelings about accepting risk, about the problems with hindsight and about the differences of perspective and what that illuminates about our therapeutic relationships with people.
  • Theme ‘the patient I’ll never forget‘ (08.11.22) – we told stories about the patients who stay in our memories and talked about our feelings of regret, of self-blame, and of letting go of thoughts that hold us back.