Events, Resources

PhD students and researchers – Creative Methods in Sexuality and Gender Workshop


The lab is purchasing some new cinema-quality camcorders and accessories that can be booked by psychology staff and students. If they arrive in time, I’ll be using these to record this workshop here at the Falmer campus, on 3 July. If you are  a PhD student or researcher in the field you might like to attend, it looks really interesting! If you would like to sign up or obtain more details please click here. Here is the description of the workshop:

“Want to explore beyond well-used methods that reproduce well-established stories about sex, gender, sexuality and relating? Fancy yourself doing modelling, bad sex writing or as a deep thinker, visual artist or ‘craftivist’?  Read on!

Creative research methods can yield narratives different from and phenomenologically richer than interviews, focus groups and surveys. When doing public engagement and dissemination, creative methods can help people think differently about sex, gender, sexuality and relations/relating to challenge popular/media representations.

Having been successfully hosted by the Open University, University of Manchester and Coventry University this half-day FREE event is hosted by the University of Brighton.”

Facilities, Resources

Campus Open day – disruption from 12:00-16:00 on March 25th.

Hi all,

Some of you have seen that the lab is not accepting bookings for today – it is a University of Brighton Open day today and there will be lab tours from 12:00-16:00. If you can, please make alternative arrangements to study, as there will be a lot of disruption.
Massive apologies for the inconvenience, and also for not giving you more notice. Normal service will resume after 4pm today!

Guidance, Resources, Tech

Which free online survey should I use?

Third Year Dissertation students are strongly encouraged to use SONA to create their surveys for free, as this also gives a lot of help with recruitment. If you are not using SONA, there are other options. Most people have heard about Surveymonkey, but what about Qualtrics or SogoSurvey? As a student, you really do not have to pay for online survey software. You may find that the free version of Surveymonkey is too limited for your needs – if you do please click the link below for a round-up of some better free options!

Comparison of free survey tools

If you have any questions after reading this, please speak to Joe the psychology technician.

Resources, Tech

Using iPads for qualitative research

Very interesting blog post here from Fiona Macneill (Learning Technologies Advisor) on using iPads for qualitative research, including using them to record interviews and focus groups, and the apps and hardware that may help.

If anybody is interested in using the apps mentioned here for dissertations or research please speak to me and I’ll get them installed on the Psychology Lab’s iPads. The lab is happy to lend students and staff iPads, mics, voice recorders, video cameras – just click view &  book lab resources to see what we can offer.