Significant method to change unsatisfied customer attitude about lack of service or product and the importance of brand reputation management

As known is that  customers now days tend to be more engage in social media when giving an opinion about product or service ,according to Market (2017)  ’’ Social networking is currently the most popular online activity among consumers worldwide, it accounts for almost one in every five minutes spent online, and reaches 82% of the entire world’s online population, which represents an audience of nearly 1.2 billion internet users’’ , moreover , bad customer service can switch the customer attention to other alternative competitive companies  , according to (Boeckelman and Malciute,2016)  ‘’found that 68% of customers have switched providers because of bad customer service. Even more than pricing, people seem to look at overall customer experience when deciding who they’ll buy from’’, however, bad customer service  have a significant impact on product or service, a bad brand management could lead to negative outcomes, this negative feedback can lead the organisation to a huge loss and customer dissatisfaction, therefore , this would result also in sales decrease, according (McQuerrey, 2016) stated that poor client benefit commonly brings about less clients, which converts into lower deals and profit for the business.

Changing customer’s negative feedback to positive feedback could be in serious apologies to individuals about lack of service or product, and then could be followed by an offer to the customer, this offer could be for example, free credits, discount on next item purchased by the customer or awards . Marr (2017) arguing that The primary thing we should do when we find that we have made a mistake – or our organization has – is offer our clients a total and genuine statement of regret. Therefore, Serious apology can be a method or a part of solution to change customer’s negative attitude.

First of all , a good example of positive reputation management through social media is the one in JetBlue airlines when one of the customers seats back TV did not display anything during the flight except dark screen, the customer complained about the service through twitter that he had 4 hours flight with no movie (Haines ,2016).

(Haines ,2016)


The JetBlue airlines afterwards replied with apology and sense of bad situation that they did not want this situation to happen to any customer, the reply was

“Oh no! That’s not what we like to hear! Are all the TVs out on the plane or is it just yours?” (Haines ,2016)

After the customer that it was only his seat, the airline company asked for some information and the confirmation code, the customer was refunded credit for non- working TV, after 23 minutes the customers twitted “One of the fastest and better Customer Service: @JetBlue’’ (Haines ,2016) . This way of apologies to customers shows a good product reputation management in social media platform, which directly resulted on customer fully satisfaction.

Second , a bad example of bad brand reputation management is in Subway , as known , Subway is proud of being ‘’better- for -you’’ , a healthy food company and fastest food in the world, recently there was a controversial issue in public that  Subway use chemical ingredients in food ‘’ a chemical commonly used to increase elasticity in soles of shoes and yoga mats’’   (Falcigno , 2017), which resulted in customer anger with negative feedback , however, Subway then announced that they are in the process to remove the chemical ingredients , although Subway has account on twitter , but there was no attempt from Subway side to apologies from customers , which cost  the subway lose in customer loyalty , subway could have apologies from its customer for their mistake and offered customer coupon in order to rebuild the company reputation in the market .


Chrysochou, Polymeros, and Justina Malciute. “Do Brands Engage Their Customers Through Social Media?”. N.p., 2017. Web. 14 Apr. 2017.

Haines, Bryan. “14 Amazing Social Media Customer Service Examples (And What You Can Learn From Them) – The Buffer Blog”. Social. N.p., 2017. Web. 14 Apr. 2017.

McQuerrey, Lisa. “How Does Poor Customer Service Affect A Business?” N.p., 2017. Web. 14 Apr. 2017.

Marr, Steve. “Apology: An Effective Customer Service Tool”. Power to Change. N.p., 2017. Web. 14 Apr. 2017.

“Do Brands Engage Their Customers Through Social Media?”. N.p., 2017. Web. 14 Apr. 2017.

Falcigno, Elizabeth. “Brand Reputation Management And Your Social Media Strategy”. N.p., 2017. Web. 15 Apr. 2017.

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