Author Archives: Helen Bookbinder

Helen Bookbinder

Helen is the Book Arts Technical Demonstrator in the Book Arts Workshop at Grand Parade, University of Brighton.

Recycled Christmas cards

The envelope is made from two layers of wrapping paper, glued and pressed. The card is made by mixing two old ones together and then glueing [...]

Christmas tree

The frame is made from hazel and willow, then decorate with Froebel stars [...]

Christmas Bunting

Each piece is folded from a square of paper into a kite shape. The top part is folded over a piece of thread. Glue down and leave to dry fla [...]

Paper Ball Decoration

How to make it This one uses coconut leaves but try substituting paper. the paper needs to be strong and flexible. [...]

merry xmas

Cut out letters from christmas cards then stuck on to a length of cord or ribbon. Took a while but makes a cool thing. [...]

letters and decoupage

Build 3D letter shapes from 1mm grey board and cover with wrapping paper. This took ages by the way! This one was made from layers of corrug [...]

Paper Page Finders

Simple to fold from a square – we used a 12cm square. Old road map pages work well for this one. instruction [...]

Paper Wreath Base

A modular construction that is easy and quick to fold. No glueing to join the pieces together. Makes a sturdy base for further decoration. I [...]

decoration 4

easy to make paper baubles in a variety of shapes instructions and templates [...]
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