For Tarka to work effectivley and effieciently, it must be able to identify the different tones that people speak in when they are feeling a certian way, and then react in an appropriate manner that provides the user with a sense of acknowledgement, as if Tarka had replied to what they had just said.
Cloud Servers for the AI
StandardAs my project would have to gather a large amount of data to better the algorthim, cloud servers would be the best option to use in order to save and store all of it.
What is Cloud Computing:
Cloud computing would be a means of providing an unlimited number of Tarkas with access to the required computing infrastructure (comprising on-demand network access, servers, AI engine, storage, services and applications) with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.
Materials and Manufacture
StandardThere were a few requirements that the material for my product needed to fulfill in order to be suitable for my project. Those being:
- Must be able to be injection moulded due to the complicated shape of the otter and the fur texture all around its body.
- Should be a semi decent thermal insulator as wireless charging can sometimes produce a lot of heat in the charging base. (The rock base)
- Must have good impact ressistance in case the otter is dropped as it is being carried around the house.
Bill Of Materials
Exploded view of Otter
A Bill of Materials was produced to show the various different parts that were included.