November 1

Monopoly Mechanic and Aesthetic Changes (Also The Rules!)

I’ve decided that I am going to re-arrange the board. I will fit the tiles to match the atmosphere of the region. For example, I’ve decided to change Andalusia to have more chance time tiles and one Duel tile.

I’ve also decided to change the chance tile (and by extension the cards) to include the upside down question mark. So with the “¿?” Now appearing on the board can now transmit to the player that they’re playing “in Spain”, I also plan on changing the “Community Chest” card design to have a closer design to the tale of King Midas, which despite not being of Spanish origin, is a very popular tale to be told in Spain!

The “¿?” Also gives the idea that no matter where you’re looking at the board, you will be able to see that there’s a chance time, since you’ll always be able to see a question mark that’s regardless of your angle. This also puts an emphasis on “this game has become more chance and chaotic”, however staying true to one of my design pillars which is “Strategy” the chance elements also work in favour or against those who have more money. With Duel cards I aim to create a powerful balance so everyone has a fighting chance within the element of chance. Knowing what could possibly be drawn, and what you’re willing to bid is a fundamental element of what makes the Duel System strategic yet chaotic.

The Community Chest’s design could be a reference to Midas’ gold touch, showing to the player that the community chest could be a net positive for the player that draws the card.

with this I hope to shaken the design of the board a bit!

Concept for Tile change King Midas



-Each Player will be given €2,000 at the beggining of the match. (An increase from usual Monopoly, which usually gives 1,500 I made this increase in order for money to not drain as quickly from the players. Also, due to the nature of duel system, for example some cards forcing €100 to be played, its in the best interest for game purpouses to have said increase!)

-Players will decide on who is the banker.

-The order will go from the person who rolled the highest to the person who rolled the lowest.

-Each player is to roll the dice, once a full rotation has gone by, the banker will draw a Duel card (unless the last player to roll lands on a Duel tile)

-Duel System is a system where two or more players will engage in a minigame. This will happen at the end of a full rotation (so when all players have rolled their dice.)

Posted November 1, 2024 by Rodrigo Vicente Ribeiro in category LB455

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