Existing technology

Elide Fire Balls


Elide Fire Balls provide the existing technology which inspired the idea for flame activated powder cartridges. They work just like the flame activated cartridges used in Oltó, accept they are much larger and they are thrown by hand. The problem with Elide Fire Balls is, if no one is there to man the product and the fire is not directly by it, it is useless, just like a fire extinguisher.





Ring Door Bell


The Ring door bell is a perfect example of how capable smart home devices have become. Users can view a camera at their door step from anywhere in the world. The fact that this product exists proves that Oltó’s room view feature is highly achievable.





TrainerBot ping pong launcher



This is a device that table tennis players use to perfect their skills. It directs and launches ping pong balls at the players. This device is evidence that the mechanism required to launch flame activated cartridge across a room, at a fire, is plausible.







ESP8266 will allow a mobile device to connect with the circuit board.

Technical Implications: The ESP8266 will only relay on/off responses to the product. Development in studio two led to an aiming mechanism where users manually aim at the fire themselves. This sort of complexity may not work. The product can however still function, as it can self aim using an infrared sensor (flame sensor).





Flame Sensor


The flame sensor works by using an IR receiver, which scans for infrared radiation emitted from a flame. A digital signal is transferred to the microchip when infrared radiation is detected. The potentiometer changes the range/distance a flame can be detected at.

Technical Implications: A flaw with this product is that many things can emit infrared radiation, so it will have to be very finely tuned to a flames emissivity.





LM35 Temperature Sensor


The LM35 Temperature Sensor works by providing an analog output proportional to the instantaneous temperature of a room. This will be used in the product to detect a sudden change in heat.

Technical Implications: A flaw with this product is that a sudden change in heat could be caused by other aspects, such as sunlight or cooking. This is resolved by depending the serious hazard alarm on two other sensors to also be activated.




Gas Sensors


Two gas sensors are used in the product, an MQ-7 to detect Co2 and an MQ-135 to detect smoke. When there is an increase in gases, the resistance of the sensor decreases, thus signalling the microchip.




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